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Holidays call for celebration, pagan holidays all the more so — none of those damn moral underpinnings to put a damper on things. So I asked Esquire drinks correspondent David Wondrich for a Halloween-appropriate cocktail. He suggests a creation of his own called the Bone, originally concocted for the now-defunct Chickenbone Café in Brooklyn. Directions are below. (And more suggestions are in the Esquire Drinks Database — including the classic Bloody Mary, to help you through the morning after. Boo.)

The Bone

Shake well with ice:

— 2 oz. Wild Turkey rye (or other 100-proof rye or bourbon)

— 1 teaspoon fresh-squeezed lime juice

— 1 teaspoon simple syrup (made with equal parts sugar and water)

— 3 dashes Tabasco sauce

Strain into chilled tall shot glass and serve.


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