Saturday, July 20, 2024

Sure Why Not

Just keep throwing out these ideas, the more the better.

Should he make that decision, there will have to be quick steps,” Lofgren said.

“Maybe a vetting hosted by former presidents including Obama and Clinton would be helpful and help focus the attention,” she added later. “And whoever emerges, including Kamala Harris, would be a stronger candidate than if we tried to exclude a transparent public process.”

Just host a vetting. Why not. 



Hunger Games

Not that what I type on this blog matters all that much these days - maybe it did a little once upon a time - but participating in the WHAT TO DO ABOUT BIDEN discourse feels like being part of the problem.

HOWEVER... I will say that the expressed  fantasies about some sort of made up competition to "avoid" replacing Biden with Harris confirm the not-very-nice motives of many of the powerful people behind the ditch Biden movement.

We won't just have a fight over candidates, we will have a fight over the process to determine those candidates, and fight over the process for that process.

 ...The Democrats!


Slacket Saturday

Friday, July 19, 2024

Friday Evening

I got nothin'


Early weekend because, uh, Crowdstrike broke all the computers at Eschaton World Industries.



that's just, like, your opinion, man

In the bin with the rest.

July 19 (Reuters) - The World Court said on Friday that Israel's settlement policies and exploitation of natural resources in the Palestinian territories were in breach of international law.

Oh Dear The Wallet Inspector Hit All The Journalists Again

Maybe the Trump campaign will have a new tone next week.

Seems Bad

A security software update nuked half the business windows computers on the planet.

I am not a tech genius but it does seem like being able to update every single computer globally simultaneously is its own security flaw.

It looks like the fix is a simple one, but that is 5 minutes per computer...



Thursday, July 18, 2024

Convention Thread

For the sickos.

RIP Lou Dobbs

Remember when we'd skew all his online polls?

Happy Hour

Get happy


Dipshit gonna dipshit, but it can't be overtated how much certain progressive organizations treated Jones like a God, or at least His One True Prophet, circa 2010.

Interesting New Look For Matt Gaetz


(Joke stolen from various places)


Shop while you eat! (Ad, I get a commission).

Am I Clear

My basic positions through all this have been:

-The people who have been trying to push Biden out have gone about it the wrong way at every step, whatever one thinks of their goal

-The pressure from "big donors" and similar is at least partially due to bad motives

-The only rational replacement for Biden is Harris, and getting rid of Harris is part of the goals of people in the two points above (I recognize there is not one perfectly aligned set of people, precisely, but...)

-It is quite the trick spinning from yelling at The Kids to stop whining about ethnic cleansing, including blasting people for the absolute mildest form of objection expression of voting "uncommitted" in primaries, to pushing the guy out

-A lot of people in power have behaved very very badly, and I suspect that this is somehow the fault of The Left

Americaland Tales

Biden has Covid.

Whoever is scripting this satirical dystopia, about the waning days of a declining empire, is hitting some too obvious beats.

It's a clear callback to season 1, which had a tidy ending that was scrapped due to the show being renewed for a second season.

The show's alternating images of what we support abroad yet pretend to decry at home are pretty powerful.

"Mass Deportation Now"

Those signs at the RNC could have said "Mass Extermination Now." They aren't a policy wish, but the just respectable representation of the true desires of the MAGA chuds.

They aren't really picky about who.

Extermination is more practical than expulsion and feeds their real desires.