Lindsey Vonn Opens Up About Still Loving Tiger Woods, Admits She's the "Least Confident Person" on the Slopes

Olympian also recalls how she bonded with Amy Schumer at a fashion show

By Mike Vulpo Nov 29, 2015 3:16 AMTags
Lindsey Vonn, Tiger Woods, MET GalaTIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP/Getty Images

When it comes to Lindsey Vonn's past relationships, this athlete appears to have no regrets.

In a new interview with CNN's Alpine Edge show, the Olympic skier and all around stud opened up about her love for the game and her hopes at becoming another World Champion.

But while speaking freely at one of her favorite hometown pizza parlors, the conversation quickly turned to her high-profile relationship with ex-boyfriend Tiger Woods.

"I mean, I loved him and I still love him. I had an amazing three years with him," she shared almost six months after breaking up with the golf champion. "Sometimes things just don't work out and unfortunately it didn't work out for us. But I don't have any regrets and I think we're both in a pretty good place."


When the reporter followed up by asking if she's ready for a new relationship, Vonn suggested that her sport is keeping her more than busy for now.

"I don't know. I don't know if I'm ready to be in another relationship. I've realized that I only have, realistically, three good years of racing left. So it's kind of nice to be able to focus on that and my career," she confessed. "But I don't know, you never know what's going to happen."

While dating Woods, the blond beauty made several appearances at A-list events with her man. As it turns out, however, stepping onto the red carpet isn't exactly Vonn's favorite activity.

"I'm probably the least confident person on the slopes that you'll find, especially this time of year," she confessed. "I'm trying to bulk up quite a bit. I definitely feel out of place sometimes on the red carpet."

Alain Grosclaude/Agence Zoom/Getty Images

She added, "I'm just bigger. I'm a big girl. I don't know. The best thing about meeting Amy Schumer is that we were comparing our butt sizes. I think we were like three times the size of anyone at this fashion show we were at. It's not the norm and I think it should be and maybe it will be eventually, but right now it's definitely not."

This winter, Vonn is focused less on star-studded affairs and more on training her absolute hardest. After all, she has her eyes on some pretty big matches in the months to come.

"I just want to keep winning races. That's my only goal," Vonn shared. "Long term is world championship and Olympics and after that I really don't know what's going to happen. I don't know if I'll retire or keep going."

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