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As Enlace Comunitario focuses on uplifting and celebrating women’s voices during Women’s History Month, we want to raise awareness about how domestic violence (DV) disproportionately impacts Latine and immigrant women and girls.

These alarming statistics highlight the need for culturally appropriate resources and solutions to support Latine and immigrant families experiencing DV and intimate partner violence (IPV). 

Enlace Comunitario answers that call by providing culturally and linguistically specific intervention services and prevention-focused community outreach and education to Central New Mexico’s Latine and immigrant communities.

Each year, Enlace supports over 600 DV survivors through our intervention services, and thousands more through prevention-focused outreach and education. In our ever-shifting world, our staff members remain dedicated to providing client-centered support while innovating new ways to reach our community. As an organization whose staff and board include former clients and DV survivors, we remain true to our founding principles—of being focused on supporting our Latine and immigrant neighbors experiencing DV through compassionate, empathic, authentic, and culturally specific care. 

So, this Women’s History Month, Enlace honors our roots and celebrates herstory-makers and cycle-breakers—DV survivors who’ve changed their lives and the lives of their community members!

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(And be sure to check out our Development Manager, Mayra Olivas, highlighting the importance of Enlace’s work during Women’s History Month in this recent interview!)