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Crisis Intervention

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Crisis intervention may include:

  • Assessing the crisis (e.g., determining immediate safety considerations); 
  • Filing a police report; 
  • Documenting abuse (e.g., via photographing injuries); 
  • Obtaining a temporary restraining order; 
  • Identifying and being transported to a partnering DV shelter; and 
  • Making a safety plan (including short-term and long-term goals).
Crisis Intervention (1)

Other Services

Youth leaders

Youth Leaders

Our Youth Leaders program allows participants to build their leadership and networking skills while promoting healthy, gender-affirming relationships amongst their peers.

Voices unidas

Voces Unidas

Our drop-in domestic violence education and support group serves Spanish-speaking survivors.



Through this program, former client survivors of domestic violence are trained to become community health leaders and educators.

Prevention classes

Prevention Classes

We offer classes for families who are at high risk of experiencing domestic violence.

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Are you experiencing violence at home and need support? You are not alone. Contact us today through any of the means below, from 8AM to 5PM, Monday through Friday.

We are here to help.
If you are in immediate danger, please dial 911.

¿Esta experimentando violencia en su casa y necesita apoyo? Usted no esta solo(a). Contáctenos hoy a través de cualquiera de las formas indicadas a continuación, de 8 AM a 5 PM, de lunes a viernes. Estamos aquí para ayudarle.

Si se encuentra en peligro inminente por favor marque el 911.

Visit Us

2425 Alamo Ave SE
Albuquerque, NM 87106

Email Us

We are always here to help. Email us anytime.

Call Us

If you are in an unsafe situation or need immediate assistance please dial 911.


2425 Alamo Ave SE
Albuquerque, NM 87106

Envíenos Un Correro Electroníco

Siempre estamos aquí para ayudarte. Envíenos un correo electrónico en cualquier momento.


Si se encuentra en usa situacion insegura o necesita asistencia inmediata, marque el 911.

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