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About Enlace Comunitario

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Learn more about Enlace through the video below.

Our mission

Our Mission

Enlace Comunitario transforms the lives of individuals and their families experiencing domestic violence by working to decrease gender inequity and intimate partner violence in the Latine immigrant community in Central New Mexico.

Our Vision

Enlace envisions a New Mexico wherein Latine immigrants become a collective force that creates a community free of gender inequity, violence, and injustice.

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Our History

Enlace’s genesis in 2000 as a social justice organization is a story of meeting community needs in the wake of a survivor’s tragic death during a domestic violence (DV) incident. Since that time, our team has focused on providing previously unavailable DV survivor services to Spanish-speaking immigrants and their families.

Enlace provides direct services to over 800 families a year and serves many more through community outreach and leadership development.

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Our Values

Enlace Comunitario values a collective process of promoting integrity, justice, respect, and dignity within the staff, board, families we work with, and the community as a whole. Our organizational values guide the provision of our services.

  • Gender Equity & Justice: We promote and foster social and gender equity for all, regardless of immigration status.
  • Collective Wisdom (Sabiduria colectiva): We uplift the power of collective community wisdom and action to effect equitable community change. We work to engage the community while understanding the root causes of intersecting oppressive structures.
  • Dignity & Respect: We acknowledge the experiences of individuals and honor their feelings, wishes, rights, traditions, and inherent value.
  • Inclusivity: We celebrate the power of diversity and how inclusivity can effect meaningful change at community and systems levels.
  • Integrity: We value honesty and ethical communication to inform proactive change.
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Our Service Flow and Logic Model

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Logic Model
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