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Are you experiencing violence at home and need support? You are not alone. Contact us today through any of the means below, from 8AM to 5PM, Monday through Friday.

We are here to help.
If you are in immediate danger, please dial 911.

¿Esta experimentando violencia en su casa y necesita apoyo? Usted no esta solo(a). Contáctenos hoy a través de cualquiera de las formas indicadas a continuación, de 8 AM a 5 PM, de lunes a viernes. Estamos aquí para ayudarle.

Si se encuentra en peligro inminente por favor marque el 911.

Visit Us

2425 Alamo Ave SE
Albuquerque, NM 87106

Email Us

We are always here to help. Email us anytime.

Call Us

If you are in an unsafe situation or need immediate assistance please dial 911.


2425 Alamo Ave SE
Albuquerque, NM 87106

Envíenos Un Correro Electroníco

Siempre estamos aquí para ayudarte. Envíenos un correo electrónico en cualquier momento.


Si se encuentra en usa situacion insegura o necesita asistencia inmediata, marque el 911.

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About Enlace Comunitario

Enlace’s genesis in 2000 as a social justice organization is a story of meeting community needs for survivors of domestic violence (DV) to get the support and help they need. Since that time, our team has focused on providing previously unavailable DV survivor services to Spanish-speaking immigrants and their families. While Enlace specializes in culturally and linguistically specific survivor services, we provide support to any DV survivor in need.

Enlace provides direct intervention services to over 800 families a year and serves many more through community outreach and education.

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Case Management

Our team of case managers is ready to provide clients with one-on-one support.

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Our legal team informs clients of their legal rights and can represent clients in civil legal proceedings, and/or provide clients with pro se assistance.

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Housing Assistance

Our housing specialists work with clients to assess immediate housing needs and can help resource available transitional housing (for up to two years, depending on grant funding) and/or connect clients with potential housing options.

Financial Capability Training and Education

Almost every DV situation involves financial abuse. Enlace works with clients to provide them with one-on-one training and resources to enhance their financial acumen so that they are better positioned to build strong financial base for their future.  

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Support Groups

We provide engaging support groups for children and adults. 

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We value partnering with clients to provide life-enhancing counseling services that help support clients as they process trauma and manage their emotional, mental, and physical well-being

Get Support Now

Enlace’s intervention services involve direct, culturally competent engagement with domestic violence (DV) survivors, which includes providing services in English and Spanish; we use a translation line for all other languages. Through our services, we center survivors as clients—each of whom knows best what they need to thrive. Enlace is here to support survivors and shape a space for their self-empowerment.

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Albuquerque Remains an Immigrant-Friendly City

On May 6, 2024, Albuquerque City Council members introduced Resolution 24-45, which aimed to carve out select portions of Albuquerque’s immigrant-friendly policies. R-24-45 would…

Action Alert:Defend ABQ’s Immigrant-Friendly Policies



Action Alert:Defend ABQ’s Immigrant-Friendly Policies

City Council Meeting Public Comment – May 6, 2024 Enlace is a local nonprofit organization that serves domestic violence survivors who are part of…

Press Release: Enlace Comunitario Recevies Award from Mackenzie Scott’s Yield Giving Open Call



Press Release: Enlace Comunitario Recevies Award from Mackenzie Scott’s Yield Giving Open Call

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 19, 2024 — MacKenzie Scott’s Yield Giving recently announced the award recipients of the first “Open Call” for funding applications,…

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