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The German-Moroccan Energy Partnership PAREMA

Illustration of the Political Dialogue between Morocco and Germany

Germany and Morocco are leading the energy transition on their continents and work together to move forwards with a global sustainable energy transition by 2050. Morocco has a huge renewable energy potential, particularly in solar and wind. Due to geographic proximity and interconnections, market integration could enable a mutual beneficial exchange of sustainable energy supply in the long term.

We support high-level political dialogue

We support high-level political dialogue, participation and exchanges between public and private players, we work to support Morocco's energy transition, communicate on it and the German Energiewende.

Fact & Figures

Renewable Electricity Targets

Morocco and Germany are both set on ambitious electricity transition pathways with renewable electricity targets up to 2030. Both countries share the ambition of having their energy supply being essentially renewable by 2050.

34 percent
Morocco (percentage of installed capacity, 2016)‎‎‎
29 percent
Germany (percentage of produced electricity, 2016)

Energy Dependency Ratio

Both Morocco and Germany are very dependent on energy imports but set to decrease those through ambitious energy transition pathways.

93 percent
70 percent

Average Yearly Sunshine Hours

Even in one of Morocco´s rainiest cities, Tangiers, sunshine hours are almost double those of Germany´s sunniest city, Freiburg.

3 Hours
2 Hours


HEM Aziz RABBAH Minister of Energy, Mines and Environment (MEME) bilaterally with Andreas FEICHT State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) on the fringes of the BETD 2019.

The German-Moroccan Energy Partnership PAREMA was created in 2012 with the signature of a declaration of intent at Ministerial level.

As the institutionalised dialogue platform on energy, it enables an exchange of best practices and experience between key stakeholders of the two countries, both leading the energy transition on their respective continents.

Just like Germany [...] the energy future of our country will be essentially renewable. The Partnership with Germany goes even further: to ensure a sustainable supply of energy, countries need regional solutions, such as the integration of electricity mar
Aziz Rabbah Minister of Energy, Mines and Environment


The German-Moroccan Energy Partnership PAREMA was created in 2012 and rebooted in 2016 by the signing of joint declarations of intent. Since then it has not only served as platform for deepening the exchange between the two energy transition leaders, but has also worked as a catalyzer for bilateral cooperation initiatives in the energy field and communication on energy transition issues.

There are few countries in the world that have developed an energy policy as precise and clear as Morocco
Sigmar Gabriel Former Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, Germany

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An Initiative by

Logo of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)

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Ministry of Energy Mines and Environment (MEME)

The central task of the Ministry of Energy Mines and Environment is to develop and implement government policy in the fields of mine energy and…

Implemented by

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) provides international cooperation services for sustainable development and international education work. It is dedicated to building a future worth living around the world. GIZ has over 50 years of experience in a wide variety of areas.

In Cooperation with

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