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The German-Brazilian Energy Partnership

Germany and Brazil work together in order to support and diversify a sustainable, secure and affordable energy provision, as well as to enhance energy efficiency in both countries.

We provide a forum for high level political dialogue and bring together representatives from different sectors in order to support a broader use of renewable energies and energy efficiency.

Facts & Figures

Installed Capacity Renewables

There is a significant difference in the energy generation mix of Germany and Brazil. Brazil has one of the cleanest energy generation mixes worldwide and produces more than 60% of its electricity by hydropower plants. In addition, there is huge potential for further dissemination of renewable sources like wind and solar power.

14503 GW
23360 GW

Sources: EPE (2021), BMWK (2021)

Brazil: National Energy Balance 2021

Germany: Renewable Energies in Germany 2021

Share of electricity generated from Renewables

85 %
41 %

Source: EPE (2021), BMWK (2021)

Brazil: National Energy Balance 2021

Germany: Renewable Energies in Germany 2021

Electricity produced from Solar and Wind

68 TWh
162 TWh

Source: EPE (2021), ISE fraunhofer (2021)

Brazil: National Energy Balance 2021

Germany: Renewable Energies in Germany 2021

About the Energy Partnership

Brazil’s electricity mix is dominated by hydropower and thus is already comparatively clean. However, despite favorable levels of solar radiation and wind speeds, other forms of renewable energy have yet to make a significant contribution.

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What we can do for you

Support Political Dialogue

The German-Brazilian Energy Partnership is a platform supporting a high-level intergovernmental dialogue on energy matters. We prepare and facilitate high-level meetings. We organize the exchange between relevant institutions in Germany and Brazil.

Promote Best-Practice Exchange

Nobody is forced to repeat the mistake of the other. To learn from one another is therefore key to the German-Brazilian Energy Partnership. We arrange and accompany expert delegations. We organize workshops and trainings-on-the-job. All for the sake of promoting what is already there: best-practice.

Connect Business and Politics

We build bridges between politics and business, facilitate access to decision-makers and help you make your position being heard in the partnership countries.

Enhance Energy Transition Communication

Clear communication translates undertakings into understanding. As ambassadors of the energy transition we communicate the Energiewende through various channels. Here and there. Online and offline.


Clear communication translates undertakings into understanding. As ambassadors of the energy transition we communicate the Energiewende through various channels. Here and there. Online and offline.

Media Elements


An Initiative by

German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)

The central task of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) is to reinvigorate the social market economy, allowing it to stay innovative in the long term and strengthen Germany’s social fabric.

The Ministry has the legal, administrative and coordinating mandate to fulfill this mission, e.g. in the area of energy.

Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy

The Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) is in charge of the formulation and implementation of all policies for the energy sector, according to the guidelines defined by the National Council on Energy Policy (CNPE), which is the Inter-ministerial advisory board to the Brazilian President - CNPE. The main attributions of the MME include setting out government policies, managing inventory studies and auctions.

Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE), also known as Itamaraty, is responsible for Brazilian foreign policy and international relations in bilateral, regional and multilateral levels. The Ministry advises the President of the Republic on foreign policy and on the implementation of diplomatic relations with States and international organizations.

Federal Government of Brazil

The Federal Government of Brazil is the Executive Branch within the Union. It is headquartered in Brasília-DF and is responsible for the interests of the federal administration throughout the national territory.


Imlemented by

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) provides international cooperation services for sustainable development and international education work. It is dedicated to building a future worth living around the world. GIZ has over 50 years of experience in a wide variety of areas and works in more than 120 countries.

In Cooperation With

German-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK)

The German-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK) is an institution that develops a set of activities with the objective of attracting investments to the geographic region under its influence, expanding bilateral trade, encouraging cooperation between the Mercosur countries and the European Union, and strengthening the business of its members.

Energy Research Office

The Energy Research Office (EPE) aims at supporting the Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) energy policies with studies and research on energy planning covering electricity, oil, natural gas and its derivatives and biofuels. Their studies cover the areas of engineering, economics, modeling, policy and environment and where they overlap.

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