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The German-Algerian Energy Partnership

Algeria and Germany have decided in 2015 to intensify their bilateral energy cooperation, so as to promote the use of renewable energy sources and the improvement of energy efficiency in industry. Their common aim is to shape both countries’ energy futures in a way that maximizes benefits for citizens, environment and businesses.

We facilitate high-level political dialogue, exchange of good practices, technical advice and business meetings - and communicate about the energy transition.

Facts & Figures

Country Surface

Algeria and Germany are among the biggest countries in their respective regions. As the biggest country on the African continent, Algeria’s surface exceeds Germany’s by more than six times. This brings along challenges for energy infrastructure, but also potential for distributed energy solutions, for which Germany has significant experience to share.

2382 Square kilometre
357 Square kilometre

Source: World Bank 2017

Solar Irradiation

Algeria’s solar irradiation is about double of Germany’s, giving it a particularly high potential for energy production from solar energy. Algeria is pursuing ambitious plans to fully seize this potential and cooperating with Germany in order to benefit from its long experience in implementing solar energy projects.

2650 kWh per sqm per year
1200 kWh per sqm per year

Sources: Algeria: Ministry of Energy, Germany: Agency for Renewable Energies

Algeria: Ministry of Energy

Germany: Agency for Renewable Energies, Erneuerbare Energien 2030 – Potenzialatlas Deutschland (German)


Germany’s population is about the double of Algeria’s. However, Algeria’s population growth rate (1.8 p.a.) is more than the double of Germany’s (0.2 p.a.), challenging local infrastructure, and especially energy supply infrastructure.

42 Million
83 Million

Source: UN World Population Prospects 2017

About the Energy Partnership

Germany and Algeria decided in 2015 to further enhance and deepen their energy sector collaboration, establishing the bilateral Energy Partnership.

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By virtue of its favourable situation with abundant solar and wind energy and its ambitious targets for increased exploitation of renewable energy sources, Algeria is an attractive partner for Germany.
Rainer Baake Former State secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy

What we can do for you

Support Political Dialogue

The Algerian-German Energy Partnership is a platform supporting a high-level intergovernmental dialogue on energy matters. We prepare and facilitate high-level meetings. We organize the exchange between relevant institutions in Germany and Algeria.

Promote Best-Practice Exchange

To learn from one another is key to the Algerian-German Energy Partnership. We arrange and accompany expert delegations, organise workshops and trainings-on-the-job. All for the sake of promoting what is already there: best-practice.

Connect Business and Politics

We build bridges between politics and business, facilitate access to decision-makers and help you make your position being heard in the partnership countries.

Enhance Energy Transition Communication

Clear communication translates undertakings into understanding. As ambassadors of the energy transition we communicate the Energiewende through various channels. Here and there. Online and offline.


Through the joint efforts of Algerian and German actors, our partnership continues to enhance bilateral exchanges and supports the transformation of our energy systems.

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An Initiative by

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Ministère de l’Energie de la République Algérienne Démocratique et Populaire

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Implemented by

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) provides international cooperation services for sustainable development and international education work. It is dedicated to building a future worth living around the world. GIZ has over 50 years of experience in a wide variety of areas and works in more than 120 countries.

In Cooperation with

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