
More IT security for the university - passkeys are coming to JGU!

Universities and colleges have increasingly become the target of cyber attacks in recent years. The main cause of this has been phishing emails. As a result, entire institutions have been completely incapacitated for months. University Mainz needs to be protected from this in the future too.

In order to significantly improve the protection of your data and your JGU account, the ZDV is progressively introducing passkeys for certain applications and services at the university.

What are Passkeys?

Official passkey icon
Official passkey icon

Passkeys are a simple and secure alternative to passwords. In the future, you will be able to create passkeys using your JGU account and use them to access certain university applications. Once you have created passkeys, you simply can select them when you log in to a JGU application.

Unlike passwords, you no longer have to remember a long string of characters.




In future, you can create passkeys for the following devices:

  • Work computer in the office
  • Work laptop for remote working
  • USB security stick (you will receive this from the ZDV)
  • Business/private smartphone

Timetable & Changes

The ZDV is introducing passkeys at the university in 2024 step by step.

  • You do not need to do anything at the moment. We will inform you about the next steps.
  • The ZDV will inform the relevant persons in good time by e-mail with the sender ZDV-Info. You will then also receive specific instructions and assistance.
  • In addition, we will keep this website updated.

Changed Login Interface

As soon as the first users start using passkeys, the university's login interface will also change.

Official JGU login page


  • A selection option for the login appears:
    • Benutzername / Passwort (Username / Password)
    • Passkey
  • Select Benutzername / Passwort and you can log in as usual with your JGU account login data.
  • In future, the option Passkey will be used by those who have created a passkey and can use it.
  • The URL of the official JGU login page remains the same:


Step by Step Introduction

Passkeys will be progressively introduced for certain applications and services.
You will be informed in a timely manner by email.

Advantages Over Passwords

Passkeys are more secure than passwords

  • Phishing methods aimed at stealing login data no longer work. Login data can no longer be accidentally passed on to criminals.
  • It is no longer possible to use the same combinations of numbers and letters for different services/applications.
  • Password lists become obsolete.
  • The passkey remains on the device you use for the passkey (e.g. on your smartphone). It is not passed to web services.
  • In the event of security breaches or suspected misuse, passkeys can simply be deleted and replaced with new ones.

Passkeys are user-friendly

  • Unlike a password, you don't have to remember the generated character string yourself. This is done by the smartphone, USB security stick, laptop or computer.
  • A passkey only needs to be created once and can then be used again and again.

Frequently asked Questions

Do the changes also affect the login page of the work computer?

No, the login on your work computer will remain unchanged for the time being. As soon as there are any changes, we will let you know in good time.

At the moment, only the university login page is affected. You will have to enter the username and password of your JGU account on this page, for example to read emails from outside via In future, the passkeys will only be used for these browser-based applications.

Further examples of browser-based applications:


What is the university registration page?

The university login page appears when you want to use browser-based applications outside the campus.



More information: