Who is Jesus Malverde? Question on narco-saint hangs over 'Chapo' Guzman drug cartel trial

Daniel Borunda
El Paso Times
Robert Almonte, a law enforcement expert on Mexican “narco-saints,” holds an image of Jesus Malverde during a law enforcement seminar Friday at the Bowie High School theater. Behind him stands a statue of Santa Muerte.

The questionnaire for prospective jurors in the upcoming New York trial of reputed Mexican drug lord Joaquin "Chapo" Guzman has the standard questions.

Prospective jurors are asked about their background, media viewing habits and whether they follow news about drug cartels

One question, No. 58, stands out: "Are you familiar with Jesus Malverde?" 

Malverde, the Santa Muerte and other so-called "narco-saints" popular with Mexican drug cartels were a topic at a three-day law enforcement seminar this week in El Paso.

The seminar at the Bowie High School theater was funded by an anti-gang grant given to the El Paso Independent School District Police Department.

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Who is Jesus Malverde?

Malverde is a popular Mexican folk saint known as the unofficial patron saint of drug traffickers.

Malverde also is known as the "Generous Bandit" and the "Angel of the Poor," said Robert Almonte, a law enforcement consultant who has extensively researched the "narco-saint" phenomenon who gave presentations at the El Paso seminar.

The Mexican folk saint is popular with those in the drug trade but "you have people who are not involved in criminal activity that pray to him as the Angel of the Poor," Almonte explained.

Malverde is depicted with black hair, a black mustache and looks a little like Clark Gable with a neckerchief. He is sometimes depicted holding money. His image can be found on everything from religious figurines, votive candles, key chains and T-shirts.

Jesus Malverde is considered the unofficial patron saint of drug traffickers.

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Malverde is not recognized as a saint by the Catholic Church.

The Malverde legends say he was a Mexican Robin Hood-type bandit who stole from the rich and gave to the poor in the late 1800s and early 1900s in the Pacific Coast state of Sinaloa.

Sinaloa is the traditional fatherland for many groups in the region's drug trade that grew into the Mexican drug cartels.

Drug traffickers adopted Malverde because they see themselves in the good-hearted bandit, Almonte said.

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“The Mexican cartels acknowledge 'we are doing a bad thing but more importantly we’re doing a bad thing for the right reasons; we’re helping the poor.' So, they adopted him as a patron saint," Almonte said.

Almonte is a former U.S. marshal for the Western District of Texas and a retired deputy chief with the El Paso Police Department. He started researching saints revered by Mexican drug traffickers while working as a police narcotics officer in the 1980s.

A variety of paraphernalia of the Mexican “narco-saint” Jesus Malverde.

Chapo and Malverde 

The Guzman juror question about Malverde could be linked to the folk saint's importance in the Sinaloa drug-trafficking tradition, Almonte said.

Almonte has visited the Malverde national shrine in Culiacan, the capital of Guzman's home state of Sinaloa.

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"It think the defense may try to say, ‘Yeah, (Guzman) did it. He did a bad thing, but he did it for the right reasons, just like Jesus Malverde,' " Almonte said.

Malverde's image of an outlaw who helped the downtrodden fits with the view some have of the reputed Sinaloa cartel��kingpin, Almonte said.

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“For a lot of people in Sinaloa, Mexico, Chapo Guzman is their hero. They love Chapo Guzman more than they love the Mexican government," he said.

The generous bandit

There is debate whether Juan Malverde ever actually existed.

According to legends, Malverde was a bandit named Jesus Juárez Mazo, who wore green as camouflage to surprise and rob wealthy victims and would give to the poor in the mountains of Sinaloa. The Mexican government eventually caught Malverde and supposedly hanged him May 3, 1909.

In the legend, miracles, such as finding lost objects, were attributed to Malverde. Believers pray to him for good luck, protection, health and other needs.

The name Malverde is a combination of the Spanish words for "bad" (mal) and "green" (verde).

Image of the “narco-saint” Jesus Malverde.

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By the 1970s, Mexican drug traffickers had adopted Malverde as their "patron saint," Almonte said.

The legend of the folk saint was celebrated in ballads.

"De Culiacan a Colombia, que viva Jesús Malverde, este santo del colgado que ha traido buena suerte," sang Los Cadetes de Linares on the "Corrido de Jesus Malverde."

The ballad says, "From Culiacan to Colombia, long live Jesus Malverde, the hanged saint has brought good luck."

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Almonte said he first learned of Malverde in the early 1990s as belief in the folk saint spread deep into the United States.

“I began noticing that not only was he popular along the Southwest border area, but I was getting officers in Minnesota, officers in Iowa, Wisconsin, telling me they are encountering Jesus Malverde in drug cases," Almonte said.

Surpassed by Santa Muerte

Up until a few years ago, Malverde was the most popular icon among Mexican drug traffickers until he was surpassed by the Santa Muerte, the controversial "Saint Death," Almonte said.

Almonte said that it is common to find Malverde items at shrines to the Santa Muerte.

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Almonte emphasized that not all believers in Malverde are involved in drug trafficking. He tells police that the presence of the folk saint's image should not be considered probable cause to stop someone but can be a red flag.

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“Me, personally, I don’t believe he ever existed," Almonte said. "But like I tell these officers, it doesn’t matter what I think: What matters is what the people who believe think."

Daniel Borunda may be reached at 546-6102;; @BorundaDaniel on Twitter.

Other Mexican saints

Santa Muerte — The skeletal figure has become popular among the downtrodden and marginalized who ask her for protection and help, even in criminal matters. She is condemned by the Catholic Church.

Juan Soldado — Juan the soldier. Unofficial patron saint of undocumented immigrants. Juan Castillo Morales was a soldier killed by a firing squad in Tijuana in 1938 for raping an 8-year-old girl. Legends say blood began flowing from rocks after his death as a sign from God that he was innocent. 

St. Toribio Romo — Toribio Romo Gonzalez was a priest killed by Mexican government troops during anti-clerical persecutions in 1928. The Catholic saint has become popular among undocumented immigrants. Legends say Saint Toribio has appeared to migrants crossing the border to save them in times of distress.