Some people still believe that epilepsy is a rare condition. However, it is estimated that more than 3 million people in the United States have epilepsy. When you look at the numbers worldwide, that is more than 65 million people living with epilepsy. With so many people affected by this condition, it is vital to raise awareness.

If you or someone you love has epilepsy, you should know that you have rights and deserve the same treatment as everyone else. Unfortunately, you may have to fight for those rights. That is why the Epilepsy Foundation Texas has resources for you and your community. We will advocate on your behalf, working hard to provide for you. This can start with access to the medical resources you need to understand and manage your condition. We also provide educational materials to teach you and others about epilepsy and its lifelong impact.

The Epilepsy Foundation is actively working to educate lawmakers about our advocacy priorities, but they need to hear from you! With just a few clicks, you can send e-mails, tweets and make calls to your state and federal elected officials at critical points—like when a bill is about to be voted on or if a bill is about to be signed into law! Your actions can make a big difference for the epilepsy community.
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Get the Epilepsy Resources You Need

If you need any help as you deal with epilepsy, please contact the Epilepsy Foundation Texas for our services. We have partnerships with other organizations to provide you the access you need. Explore our options or call us now to learn more about your specific questions or concerns. Our epilepsy resources are always evolving to meet your varied needs, and we are eager to join you in your fight against epilepsy. For more information please contact us at 888-548-9716 or