A two-year-old has brought joy to a South African couple after finding their stolen motorbike.

Christa Howell had purchased a Triumph Trident on Sunday, June 9, only to wake up for work two days later to find her bike was gone.

‘Devastated’ by the discovery, Christa and her husband phoned the police before posting on a stolen motorbike Facebook group.

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The couple could not believe their luck when they received a call from a member of the group who informed them that his grandson had spotted the bike from over his garden’s fence.

“I bought a 2023 Triumph Trident 660 on Sunday June 9 and I was super excited,” she said. “But on Tuesday June 11 I was about to leave for work and was walking to my car only to see the cover on the ground next to my husband’s bike.

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“I was in disbelief and shocked. I reported it to the police and found a Facebook page for stolen bikes where I shared the details as well as a picture of the motorbike.

“Both my husband and I were devastated. We emigrated to Scotland in January earlier this year and have only had wonderful experiences so far.

Christa on a previous bike trip.
Christa on a previous bike trip.

��We love everything about Edinburgh and the people. This was the first bad experience we had but the police were truly amazing and super efficient.

“We were both sad and shocked but then we got a phone call from a gentleman who said he had found the bike behind his house in a bush. We rushed to go and meet him.

“The gentleman told us that his 2-year-old grandson had stood up on the fence and pointed at it saying ‘bike, bike, bike’ but at first he thought his grandson was looking at his own plastic bike. The little one kept pointing at the bike on the other side of the fence so his grandad opened it up.

Christa says it was a 'miracle' the small toddler found the bike.
Christa says it was a 'miracle' the small toddler found the bike.

“After opening the gate at the back, my bike was discovered. I was blown away and overjoyed when we collected the bike and took it home.

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“We found that the thieves had broken the steering lock and had left it behind to try to collect it later that night. I think they were not able to start the bike due to the immobiliser but there was no other damage to the bike.

“This was a miracle and that emphasises that good people do still exist.”

Police Scotland has been approached for comment.