Dr Jan Grobovšek



Jan Grobovšek completed his undergraduate studies at Université Paris Dauphine and obtained his PhD in Economics from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

His research area is macroeconomics with a particular focus on economic growth and development. He uses general equilibrium models to measure the extent to which cross-country productivity differences can be explained by policies, institutions, technologies, and structural transformation.

Research summary


Economic Growth

Current research interests

Development Accounting with Intermediate Goods (2011); Managerial Delegation and Aggregate Productivity (2012); Job-Embodied Growth and the Decline of Job Tenure (2012, joint with Tomaz Cajner)

Project activity

Jan Grobovšek is the PI on the ESRC-DFID grant entitled “Agricultural Misallocation, Occupational Choice and Aggregate Productivity – The Role of Insecure Land Rights and Missing Financial Markets”.

The project started on the 1st of September 2014 and is funded for 3 years.

Total value is £387,943.

Dr. Charles Gottlieb (University of St Gallen) and Prof. Philipp Kircher (University of Edinburgh) are the Co-Is.

Visit the project website