
Our coverage of major elections around the world this year, in countries including America, India and Britain


Le Pen’s hard right looks set to dominate the French parliament

Even without a majority


Will Sir Keir Starmer have a mandate to change Britain?

The latest edition of our Blighty newsletter


South-west England has become a three-way political battleground 

The Tories will struggle to regain control of the West Country in Britain’s general election


A crushing blow for Emmanuel Macron’s centrist alliance

A big turnout for Le Pen’s hard right makes clear the president’s gamble backfired spectacularly

United States

Why Joe Biden won’t go

There is something Trumpian about the Democratic Party’s denial of reality

The Economist explains

Ten plausible contenders to replace Joe Biden

The Democrats have a deep bench of talent


Joe Biden should now give way to an alternative candidate

His last and greatest political act would help rescue America from an emergency


Britain’s Conservative Party faces up to its own mortality

Dulce et decorum est pro parte mori

The Economist explains

How will Democrats replace Joe Biden as their candidate for president?

And who could replace him on the ticket?

United States

Joe Biden’s horrific debate performance casts his entire candidacy into doubt

The president had one job and he utterly failed at it


What to make of Joe Biden’s plans for a second term

His domestic agenda is underwhelming, unrealistic and better than the alternative


What would Joe Biden actually do with a second term?

He has a domestic agenda, but no easy way to bring it about


On shame, Liz Truss and the turnip Taliban

A local group is trying to eject the former prime minister from her seat


The British election is not close. But the race in Bicester is

A potential Tory leader-in-waiting is in a three-way fight


Emmanuel Macron’s centrists are facing a disastrous first-round vote

Marine Le Pen’s party will be the main beneficiary 

United States

Young voters strongly favour Joe Biden, but will they turn out?

After a pummelling from campus protesters over Gaza, the president is struggling to get his message across
