the family empowerment center at rainier beach.

EACS is leading the way in Affordable Housing Development for East African Refugee and Immigrant Families in South King County.

Residential, Community, State-of-the-Art Business, & Learning Spaces.

  • 50+ Affordable, 1,2 & 4 Bedroom Apartments with modern amenities

  • Pre-K to 12th Smart Classrooms

  • MathCode+Robotics Lab

  • Youth-ran Coffee Shop & Study Cafe

  • Daycare Facilities

  • Business Development & Entrepreneurial Services

  • Sports Facilities

  • A New Seattle Headquarters for EACS

EACS is raising money to make build our historic Family Empowerment Center at Rainier Beach, South Seattle. Now that we have ACQUIRED the land, we are moving on to PHASE 2: Fundraising to break ground and build!

Your direct financial donation will help to create a permanent East African pressence in South Seattle that offers affordable housing, culture and community space, retail shoppes, an Entrepreneur’s Business Development Lounge, and State-of-the-Art Youth Education, Mentorship and STEM classes. 

History, Mission, Guiding Actions & Programs

East African Community Services (EACS) has provided vital support to King County’s East African refugee and immigrant population for 20  years. From our beginnings in naturalization and citizenship services, we’ve honed our focus to provide East African youth and families with programs and resources to adjust to life in the United States, preserve diverse cultural heritages, and participate in broad and integrated community life. Our culturally-competent, holistic approach offers a full ecosystem of programs to ensure our children are safe and healthy, graduate high school and complete college, find careers they love, and give back to their communities. Today, we are honored to be a deeply rooted and trusted resource for the more than 75,000 East Africans who live in King County.

  • OUR MISSION: Inspire East African immigrant and refugee families to achieve cradle to career success.
  • OUR VISION: A transformed and thriving generation.
  • OUR VALUES: Strong youth and families, respect, equity, and empathy.

EACS’ services are rooted in five guiding actions:

    • Nurturing the whole-life development of East African youth from cradle to career.
    • Unapologetically embracing a growth mindset that centers the strengths of our community.
    • Intentionally creating space for all individuals to grow. • Demanding respect for diverse cultural perspectives.
    • Maintaining an open door policy that defers to community needs as they arise.

Our holistic programs prepare East African youth to be strong, engaged students and forge a supportive, positive community around every child—from cradle to career. We serve 350+ children every year.

  • TRUE STARS PRESCHOOL Develops social and emotional skills necessary to co-learn from Pre-K through college, and leverages the practices of East African cultures to create a safe, fun learning environment.
  • SHEEKO, SHEEKO HOME VISITING PROGRAM Works to increase parent-child cognitive interactions through the Somali art of Story-telling. Creates an in-home culture that fosters reading and intellectual curiosity.
  • K–12 AFTER SCHOOL AND SUMMER PROGRAMMING Culturally competent, afterschool programs designed for K–12 scholars. Encourage academic performance, healthy self-esteem, leadership and college/career exploration.
  • STRONG GIRLS, POWERFUL LEADERS MENTORSHIP Empowers young girls during a time of increased sexism, racism and xenophobia. Girls meet monthly with mentors for discussion groups, one-on-one mentorship, and group learning
  • PROMISE FELLOWSHIP GANG PREVENTION A community-demanded and imagined solution to East African gang violence in South Seattle, an area that leads in youth violence. Also reaches youth in SeaTac and Federal Way.
  • MATHCODE + ROBOTICS Prepares East African youth for STEM jobs and high-paying skills, in-demand jobs requiring digital skillsets (“SmartJobs”). Sponsored by Boeing.

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