Stichting Reclame Code

Advertising Code Foundation PO Box 75684, 1070 AR Amsterdam, The Netherlands (mail address) | Buitenveldertselaan 106, 1081 AB Amsterdam, The Netherlands (office address)Tel: +31 20 696 00 19 | Fax: +31 20 696 56 59

Email | Website

Complaints handling

  • SRC handles complaints from consumers, competitors and other interested parties
  • Fee:
    • Consumer complaints – Free
    • Competitor complaints – 1,000€ (a company or a professional body, unless their membership fee exceeds 1,000 € – then the complaint is handled free of charge)
  • Complaints must be submitted via an online form or in writing
  • File a complaint
  • View decisions

Copy advice

  • Copy advice is available only to advertisers who pay their financial contribution to the SRC via levy system
  • Fee: 500€ + VAT


  • SRC does not pre-clear ads, but certain types of advertising must be pre-cleared by other organisations
  • Ads for medicines, treatments and health products must be pre-cleared by KOAG/KAG
  • Alcohol ads on radio and TV and in the cinema must be pre-cleared by STIVA