
‘Beauty lies with people’s capacity to understand need for reform’

“A night in jail should straighten you out. A few nights.” This was the last comment I heard while being placed into the back of a police cruiser, blood dripping from just below my left eye,...

Let’s agree on ‘one rule, learned on the playground’

Since you’re reading this in a newspaper, you don’t need to be reminded that we are living in a particularly polarized time in our nation. Not that long ago, Republicans and Democrats would ...

BLM’s Public Lands Rule protects ‘quality of life, wildlife, the future’

As an owner of an outdoor small business and a dad who spends as much time as I can with my family outdoors, I know how important our public lands are and how important it is that we do all ...

Let’s agree on ‘one rule learned on the playground’

Since you’re reading this in a newspaper, you don’t need to be reminded that we are living in a particularly polarized time in our nation. Not that long ago, Republicans and Democrats would ...

‘Always at the mercy of prejudice and bigotry’

Unhoused, transient, vagrant or bum. Pick whichever term feels best for you. It makes no difference, our health and hardships aren’t in question. How we got there and how we’re doing are of ...

‘No intention of raging against my aging’

As Evelyn Couch said to Ninny Threadgoode in Fannie Flagg’s “Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe”: “I’m too young to be old and too old to be young. I just don’t fit anywhere.” I t...

‘More difficult to be Jewish than ever before’

My friends in Durango ask me what it’s like to be Jewish. I explain about growing up in Kansas City, where I didn’t think I was different In kindergarten, a classmate called me a dirty Jew, ...

‘Citizenship Act’s most important aspect – right to vote’ for Native Americans

In 1948, after serving in World War II, Miguel Trujillo from Isleta Pueblo in New Mexico entered the Valencia County Courthouse to register to vote. He was turned down even though he had ser...

‘Wildlife not private property of lion, bobcat trophy hunters’

Andrew Carpenter (“Hunting, a valuable tool in managing lions” on May 14) believes Coloradans aren’t smart enough to have an opinion about recreational killing of mountain lions or bobcats i...

‘When we take the “I” out of legislating, using “we” instead, we proved we can get a lot done’

We. We accomplished a lot this year – our bipartisan success happened because we communicated, compromised and collectively decided how to best address our problems. Affordable and attainabl...

Column: DHS track and field is in good hands with underclassmen

Upperclassmen showed them the way

Sovereignty or profit, it’s ‘complicated’

This past February I went to the Southern Ute reservation to attend a joint staff meeting. I had been Durango’s attorney for nine months. The tribe’s attorney sitting across from me stayed l...
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