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Gallery did not cancel event

In the article regarding a panel discussion on Indigenous mascots, ​the reporter did a thorough job of presenting all the history and various pieces of the puzzle, except it would have been appropriate to talk to the person who was quoted and falsely accused​ of having the event canceled.

​T​he idea that we have the power to cancel a major event in Durango is truly ludicrous!

Although many people thought we were involved in the event from the beginning, I was asked to join the conversation in the 11th hour. My email to the Durango Creative District was written to ​​explain why we were not interested in being involved. ​We were not, as Hayley Kirkman claims, trying to “sweep the dissenting opinions under the rug.” I was told the event would be recorded and planned to listen to it online.

The flyer I received indicated that our ​Chief Diner ​sign, which sits on private property, would be a primary topic of discussion. I suggested that they focus, instead, on Indigenous public art ideas and locations.

We never asked that the panel discussion be canceled and had no reason to believe it would be.

Antonia Clark
