
City needs ‘training in diversity, tribal sovereignty’

One of the really special things about living in our area is the opportunity to interact with our multicultural neighbors. I have followed the conflict between the city of Durango and the So...

‘Always about power/votes or money’

If President Joe Biden had just held up the existing laws on immigration when he was elected, there wouldn’t be a need for his executive order to finally take control of the border. But the ...

‘We are not fooled by a shill’

In reading the pro-merger stance of Scott Moses, head of grocery, pharmacy and restaurants for Solomon Partners, and who was paid to conclude this stance between Krogers and Solomon client A...

‘I walk Main, think of tourist visiting’

Recently, there have been numerous letters with opinions on the lack of parking in the general downtown Durango area. I spend quite a bit of time in Durango, and agree with most about less a...

‘Shall righteousness follow in his footsteps?’

When the words of Holy Scripture become circumstantial –sometimes they apply, other times they don’t – doesn’t that diminish their authenticity as guidelines for living a better life? Quotin...

‘If Democrats win in November’

Let me prophesize what living in America will be like if the Democrats win in November. It’s not hard – past performance, actions and policy are the basis for my predications. Energy: The wa...

‘Three Springs Logistic Puzzle (T3SLP)’

Concerning the Three Springs Logistic Puzzle (T3SLP). The Future Animas River Trail (FART) dead ends under the Farmington Hill Roller Coaster (FHRC). How do you get to Durango downtown (DDT)...

Trump ‘cried, whined, blamed everyone but himself’

Finally, Donald Trump was convicted on a felony. After hundreds of felonies he has committed, courageous, strong women showed the world what Trump is made of. This is the first time in Trump...

CD-3 candidates ‘vied to out-crazy each other’

Thank you, for the detailed article about the debate at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post among the Republican candidates for Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District. The statements of the fiv...

‘Do own research’ on Kennedy Jr.

Those in power seek to stay in power and their influence includes promoting lies. In a recent guest column by Mike Littwin, he called presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. an “anti-vaxxe...

‘A warped sense of humor helps’

The former POTUS is spewing lies about law enforcement wanting to retrieve classified documents scattered in his bathroom, at gunpoint, when no guns were drawn. Mar-a-Loco is the new name fo...

‘Candidates wrapping themselves in flag’

I read with interest the The Durango Herald’s article on Friday about the forum for Republican candidates for the 3rd Congressional District. Of the candidates, Lew Webb seems to be the one ...
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