
‘Further,’ ‘farther’: Who knows difference?

Thank you, for the “word police” guest column on June 23. How about “further” as in cause and “farther,” which refers to distance. TV people don’t seem to know the difference, nor does anyo...

‘Don’t blame Joe. So misdirected’

My cat’s food cost about $4 more this month. That Joe Biden! It’s no secret that he’ll fast track back into the White House with these impressive inflation numbers. Right? No, this country i...

‘By not voting, non-Christian world in control’

Christians have been negligent to vote for a long time, but the question is why? I have asked Christians this question. Some tell me that God will intervene anyway. His will, will be done, s...

‘How economy would survive mass deportation?’

Can someone explain how our economy would survive the mass deportation of millions of hardworking people? This is a major piece of Donald Trump’s message, yet anyone with common sense can se...

‘Share concerns about democracy surviving’

Project 2025, the GOP plan to install dictatorship during the next potential Donald Trump administration, is plenty of reason to feel overwhelmed. Hearing people applaud dictatorship out lo...

‘Power of voters will matter more’

Does the majority still rule? Half of Colorado is now independent, not registered with either major political party, but somehow the two parties have all the control over who gets elected. T...

‘Status of’ trail from Durango to Three Springs?

Is anyone else curious as to the status of the Future Animas River Trail connecting Durango proper to the Three Springs community? As an avid cyclist and runner, I know this project will be ...

Are ‘American citizens aware of dire situation?’

Recently, Russian President Vladmir Putin warned the West is pushing him “to the point of no return” over starting a nuclear war.“ (www.mirror.co.uk) Russia’s tactical nuclear weapons are ab...

‘Self-interest at expense of our country’

In a letter on June 16, the writer ignores facts to promote false Republican talking points. He starts by describing a “war on fossil fuels.” Can he admit that carbon levels from burning fos...

‘Where are the morals of people?’

Does anyone remember the song “Eve of Destruction” by Barry McGuire? I feel that democracy is in such peril if a convicted felon gets into the White House. Where are the morals of the people...

City needs ‘training in diversity, tribal sovereignty’

One of the really special things about living in our area is the opportunity to interact with our multicultural neighbors. I have followed the conflict between the city of Durango and the So...

‘Always about power/votes or money’

If President Joe Biden had just held up the existing laws on immigration when he was elected, there wouldn’t be a need for his executive order to finally take control of the border. But the ...
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