
‘Rage rhetoric’ all around us

George Washington said, “If freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” George had something there, but because we didn’t heed his warni...

Henson had ‘fierce’ dedication improving workforce housing

Thank you, Dan Armentano, for your letter to the editor titled “Henson an exceptional public servant.” It is difficult to describe all of the many accomplishments Eva Henson, former Housing ...

Inaugural ‘One to One Reading’ program a success

I am delighted to share the success of the One to One Reading program, which was launched by Durango School District this past school year. We welcomed 44 dedicated volunteer reading coaches...

Primary ballots system is ‘accurate’

Two weeks after primary ballots were cast, I sat with a partner from the Republican Party to help County clerk Tiffany Lee and her staff perform this very important process. It was very deta...

‘I learned to trust’ Democrats with U.S. economy

In the U.S., we have the odd impression that presidents ought to be Superman, being able to resolve any issue and being responsible for all mishaps. No other developed country puts so much v...

‘Where is an asteroid?’

Two old dinosaurs are running for president of the United States. Where is an asteroid when we really need one? James F. Andrus Cortez ...

‘Man-caused global warming theory a scam’

No, our part of the planet is not experiencing a climate change crisis. Climate change is a phenomenon that occurs over hundreds of thousands to millions of years. None of us will see any ch...

‘Report news honestly or get out’

Although some reports of the growing crimes by illegal aliens against U.S. citizens are breaking through the leftist news blackout, for the most part the left hides injuries and deaths to U....

‘Stakes far too high to hesitate’

Thank you for publishing James Carville’s guest column on Wednesday and the news story on Michael Bennet in the same issue. Today, not tomorrow, is the time to reframe the choosing of the D...

‘Next Step will make parking downtown dangerous’

The Next Step plan for Main Avenue will make parking downtown dangerous. The center lane, where delivery trucks park, is being reduced in width from 12 to 10 feet. The two traffic lanes will...

‘Bad night, throw him under bus?’

I usually agree with most editorials, but not the one about abandoning our president. Joe Biden has done so much for this country, more than the last five presidents combined, especially for...

‘Duties of commander in chief in crisis’

My 40-year Department of Defense career was entirely in the trenches but with random Forrest Gump experiences. I had the tremendous honor and privilege to serve in times and circumstances th...
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