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‘Henson an exceptional public servant’

The city of Durango is lucky to employ many exceptional individuals. Unfortunately, one of their best has resigned.

Former Housing Innovation Manager Eva Henson’s accomplishments during her brief 2.5-year tenure were remarkable. Henson, as the first employee of the newly created Housing Division, was tasked with building a program to promote housing opportunities for Durango’s workforce.

The housing crisis, recognized nationally as a “wicked problem,” requires innovative and evolving methods to address a complex issue with multiple variables. As Henson’s coworker for more than two years, I witnessed her successfully implement creative approaches to build partnerships, deploy funding, and pioneer new programs benefiting city residents. Her long-lasting contributions include but are not limited to:

• Playing a critical role in securing funding and partners for the Residences at Durango motel conversion project (120 affordable units).

• Overhauling the city’s Fair Share Inclusionary Zoning ordinance.

• Leveraging public-private partnerships to initiate workforce housing developments at Durango Crossings and Twin Buttes.

• Creating the “Leasing for Locals” and “ADUs for Locals” programs.

Given the scope of the purported transgression and the lack of a “smoking gun,” as reported by The Durango Herald, Henson’s resignation over a failure to disclose a perceived conflict of interest is a very unfortunate outcome.

The community should recognize Henson as an exceptional public servant, whose tireless efforts set the bar for future actions to address housing needs. Allowing the circumstances of her departure to tarnish her character and her legacy would be a travesty.

Dan Armentano
