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‘A wise man knows how to see himself’

President Joe Biden succeeded in accomplishing good policies for our future, recovering from Donald Trump’s chaotic disaster.

But presidents don’t get to create and administrate good policies unless they can communicate them well to the public, and debunk the opponent’s “policies” and character. Biden failed to do that during the “debate.”

Republicans will play and replay the debate’s many cringe-worthy moments endlessly.

A wise man knows how to see himself. Wise people understand that aging is inevitable and final. Wisdom knows when to step aside, victorious, rather than remain in a final competition that will crush one’s reputation into ignominy.

Democratic accomplishments need another standard-bearer who can represent – with vigor – the values and vision our country needs to continue. The threat of losing this election requires putting the good of the country above personal ambition.

Some kindly suggestions to Biden are necessary. The question is: From whom will he listen?

Bruce Joffe

Piedmont, California