
‘Far better ways to gather, sort’ mustangs

An enduring symbol, the mustang, symbolizes the largely mythological vision of the West as a place that is wild and free, similar to the eagle and the bison. The word comes from the Spanish ...

When the cards you’re dealt aren’t great, hedge your bets

During the growing season of 2021, things got a little dicey here in Southwest Colorado. The winter prior, snow levels were slightly below average, which is not that unusual anymore. “Abnorm...

Beware of ‘effort to gut our public school system’

As Shane Voss appropriately noted in The Durango Herald and The Journal on June 28, state politicians continue to propose legislation that threatens public education. Even high-performing ch...

‘Hypocrites pretend to love neighbor next to them in pew’

The devils of despotism have come out of the closet in America. We now know that many Americans have only been pretending to love representative government, always referring with pride to “o...

‘What does our money say about us?’

Any nation’s money says something about that nation. For one, a nation’s currency is broadly linked with its economic policy. As an example, the Polish government redenominated its currency ...

Guides offer tips from ‘trips that did not go well’

What fun: You’re going on a guided outdoor trip. As you get ready, here are some tips from actual guides about what to expect, as these patient men and women have experienced a few trips tha...

‘Mangroves as metaphor of what’s at stake in our lives’

Mangroves are these amazing thickets of trees, sort of forests, if you think of them, that grow in salt water in coastal regions, and interfacing between ocean and land. Mangroves do these a...

‘Immigrants add immeasurably to richness of American culture’

As part of the League of Women Voters’ efforts to educate and inform voters on the many policy issues that are being discussed this election season, we’re shining a light on immigration. Sig...

‘Connect directly, face-to-face’ with county reps ‘On the Road’

La Plata County residents, I am thrilled to invite you to join us for our upcoming “On the Road” tour. These gatherings are a vital opportunity for us to connect directly with you, the resid...

‘Professional cornhole? Really?’ With cheaters too

I have long thought that sport and art can be prophetic for society. With the introduction of mixed martial arts and Ultimate fighting in American sport, I was worried for the state of our s...

‘Professional cornhole? Really? With cheaters too

I have long thought that sport and art can be prophetic for society. With the introduction of mixed martial arts and Ultimate fighting in American sport, I was worried for the state of our s...

‘Ballot not way to manage wildlife’

The previous Colorado Parks and Wildlife commissioners were very circumspect about the wolf issue. It is not surprising that the proposal to intentionally release wolves was formerly rebuffe...
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