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Nutrition Courses

Feeding your pet a species-appropriate diet is the best way to ensure a long, healthy life. Learn from Dr. Judy and other pet experts on how to feed raw, how to make your dog's food from scratch, Who makes the pet nutrition guidelines, and more!

For dogs & cats

$29 - $289

Take 15% off all Nutrition courses using code JULY2024 at checkout!


TCVM Food Therapy 101

Learn the foundations of TCVM Food Therapy with Dr. Judy Morgan.

There are five elements, or constitutions, in Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM). These constitutions help determine personality traits, hair color, predisposition to illness, temperament, and emotions. All five elements play a role in every individual, but one element will be dominant in relation to the others. The five elements interact with each other in multiple ways. They may nourish and support or they may restrain or control another element. Knowing how each element affects the others enables us to use Food Therapy to support or suppress a deficient or excess element using whole food ingredients. In this introduction to Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) Food Therapy, Dr. Judy Morgan explains the basic principles of Food Therapy and how to determine what needs to be supported or controlled to maximize health.

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For dogs & cats | $149


TCVM Food therapy 201

Go beyond the foundations of TCVM Food Therapy with Dr. Judy Morgan.

In TCVM Food Therapy 101, Dr. Judy Morgan explains the basic principles of Food Therapy and how to determine what needs to be supported or controlled to maximize health. In this course, TCVM Food Therapy 201, Dr. Judy explains how to make diets complete with vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbs, and fats while harnessing Food Therapy principles. Finally, learn how to make a complete and balanced custom diet for a pet based on their excesses, deficiencies, and personality.

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For dogs & cats | $149

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TCVM Food therapy Capstone (101 + 201)

Learn the foundations of TCVM Food Therapy and how to apply them with Dr. Judy Morgan.

The TCVM Food Therapy Capstone grants you access to both TCVM Food Therapy 101 + 201. Learn the basic principles of Food Therapy and how to determine what needs to be supported or controlled to maximize health, how to make diets complete with vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbs, and fats while harnessing Food Therapy principles. Finally, learn how to make a complete and balanced custom diet for a pet based on their excesses, deficiencies, and personality.

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For dogs & cats | $289


Homemade Food for Dogs 101

Recalls, toxic ingredients, contamination, and fillers have brought the pet food industry to an all time low.

Meat from diseased animals and expired baked goods in their plastic packaging are legal pet feed ingredients. Which would you rather eat? Join Homemade Food for Dogs 101 and learn to make safe and balanced meals for your dog using fresh, whole foods to give them the happy, vibrant life they deserve!

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For dogs | $149


Kick the Kibble: How to Feed Your Cat

Learn how to enhance your cat's diet.

Cats are carnivores, yet most people are feeding kibble that’s high in carbohydrates, using low quality ingredients, and lacking key moisture cats need to thrive. Obesity, cancer, and inflammatory conditions are plaguing cats today, and what they eat has a lot to do with it. But, don’t worry, there is hope for even those kitty kibble addicts. Holistic Veterinarian, Dr. Judy Morgan, created this mini course, Kick the Kibble: How to Feed Your Cat, to show you easy ways to add whole food toppers to enhance any cat’s diet. You'll also learn what to look for in high quality cat foods, how to transition even the pickiest cats to a healthier meal plan, and what goes into DIY recipes for the brave cat parents wanting to try homemade food. 

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For cats | $49

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Horse Healthmanship | Nutrition 101 

With Dr. Joyce Harman

What we feed our equines has a profound impact on their health, wellbeing, temperament, and performance. In this extensive 101 course, renowned holistic veterinarian, Dr. Joyce Harman, defines horse health and discusses the physiology of horse digestion to set the foundation. She then moves into the energetics of feeding and how to choose feed ingredients, roughage, and appropriate water sources to ensure equines are given the vibrant life they deserve. 

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For horses | $1,395

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Horse Healthmanship | Nutrition 101 with LIVE CLASSES

With Dr. Joyce Harman

What we feed our equines has a profound impact on their health, wellbeing, temperament, and performance. In this extensive 101 course, renowned holistic veterinarian, Dr. Joyce Harman, defines horse health and discusses the physiology of horse digestion to set the foundation. She then moves into the energetics of feeding and how to choose feed ingredients, roughage, and appropriate water sources to ensure equines are given the vibrant life they deserve. 

Includes 4 live classes with Dr. Joyce Harman to discuss materials and ask questions: February 19, 2024 at 12pm EST, March 2, 2024 at 12pm EST, March 14, 2024 at 7:30pm EST, and March 28, 2024 at 7:30 pm EST.

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For horses | $2,395

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Raw Feeding: The Basics

A Course of Ten Short Lessons with Dr. Nick Thompson

These ten short lessons take you through everything you need to know. Dr. Nick will cover all the common fears, the pitfalls, the easy-wins and tricks to boost your confidence and knowledge in becoming the raw feeder you want to be. The course is for the absolute beginner, the not-quite-sure novice and the old-hand who’s just keeping up with what’s new.

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For dogs | $29


Feeding the Cancer Patient

With Dr. Judy Jasek

Proper nutrition is THE most important aspect of cancer treatment.  Without a species-appropriate, non-toxic diet, any other treatment approach to cancer will have limited results.

What you'll learn:

  • Basics of Carnivore Nutrition
  • Common Commercial Diets
  • Fresh Food Feeding
  • Feeding Cancer Patients
  • Reading Labels
  • Action Steps

A must-see course for pet parents of cancer patients.

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For dogs | $99

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Incorporating Fermentation Into Your Dog's Diet

With Billy Hoekman of Green Juju

Join Billy Hoekman, Vice President of Nutrition and Communication of Green Juju, for a 1 hour mini course.

What you'll learn:

  • Benefits of adding fermented foods to your dog's diet
  • What 'fermented broth' really is
  • Some easy ways you can ferment a variety of foods for your dog at home
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For dogs | $29

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The Nutravore Diet

With Hannah Zulueta of Daily Dog Food Recipes

Growing up in Papua New Guinea, Hannah's family fed their island dogs primarily a diet of whole foods like ground beef, fish, rice and vegetables. When they moved to the United States, they started feeding their dogs colorful kibble from the grocery store. When her Boston Terriers developed issues with yeast and allergies, she realized that the kibble was making them worse and switched to a whole food diet. Join Hannah for this 1 hour mini course.

What you'll learn:

  • How to create a diet for your dog that is healthy and helps prevent future disease
  • 5 easy steps to balance your own Nutravore Diet
  • Essential micronutrients to focus on whether feeding a kibble, cooked, or raw diet.
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For dogs | $29

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What Do Dogs Eat?

Carnivore or Omnivore? with Dr. Conor Brady

How many times have you heard people argue over whether the dog is a carnivore or omnivore?! And if they eat some plant matter, how much? And of what?!! To answer this question as a zoologist might, we examine 3 things 1)  canine ancestry from a diet perspective, 2) what do the wild canine diet studies tell us and finally, 3) what does their biology tell us about what they are geared eat. We conclude with what we think the ideal dog diet might look like. Comes with the entire first section of my book Feeding Dogs, the top rated manual on canine nutrition (according to BookAuthority).

What you'll learn:

  • The evolution of the dog
  • Digestive biology & physiology
  • What do the diet studies say?
  • The ideal dog diet
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For dogs | $39

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The "Complete" Myth

Who are the Pet Food Police? with Dr. Conor Brady

When a product says “100% nutritionally balanced & complete according to AAFCO” what does that actually mean? And who are AAFCO?! In this course, we introduce you to the pet food regulators and how they deem your pet food product of choice is absolutely perfect for your dog every day of their lives. From the truly woeful feed nutrient guidelines to the whole “complete” myth, this ones a shocker. Compulsive viewing for anyone recommending “complete” pet food. Comes with Chapter 19 of my book, Feeding Dogs,  detailing not only the lack of regulation but the recent DCM scandal.

What you'll learn:

  • Introduction to AAFCO
  • Issues with Feed Guidelines
  • How well are products adhering
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For dogs | $49

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The Colossal Role of Nutrition with Dr. Conor Brady

Anyone that has ever been to kids birthday party will understand – junk food can have a disastrous effect on behaviour. In this course we examine the profound effect good food has on the behaviour of your dog. In the first half we will discuss the crucial role of fresh protein, vitamins, minerals, fats and bioactive compounds and put to bed some supplement myths. We will then discuss the critical, largely undiscussed role of a healthy biome in canine contentment. We finish with our best nutritional advice for a stressed dog. Comes with slide handouts and 10page pdf of all references used.

What you'll learn:

  • The role of macro nutrients
  • Happy gut, happy head
  • The supplement illusion
  • How to destress with food
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For dogs | $49

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Bones & How to Feed Them

With Dr. Nick Thompson

In this mini course, Dr Nick Thompson, Founding President of the international Raw Feeding Veterinary Society delves deep into his 25 years of experience to show you how to feed your dog bones for maximum benefit and safety. His first video 'Raw Feeding: The Basics' was a huge hit. The raw feeding public asked for more. Here it is just like the last video - 10 short, information-packed lessons taking you from a bone feeding zero to hero in less than 80 minutes.

Chapters include:

1. Why Bother with Bones?

2. Risks of Feeding Bones?

3. Benefits of Feeding Bones

4. What if I Don’t Feed Bones?

5. Bone Size Matters

6. How to Feed Bones – Part One

7. How to Feed Bones – Part Two

8. Educating Dogs to Eat Bones

9. Pups, Adults and Senior Dogs

10. Bones that Aren’t Bones?

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For dogs | $29

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Transitioning Cats to a Different Diet with Dr. Amaya EspĂ­ndola

Learn about problems that may arise during transition and how to confidently address them.

Whether your cat experiences an acute issue requiring a diet change, or you're trying to move away from a dry, ultra-processed food, transitioning a feline to a different diet can be a challenge. Dr. EspĂ­ndola begins by explaining the optimal diet based on a cat's physiology and why they are often averse to change. She then details common cat personality types so you can understand how to best approach the transition with your specific cat to ensure success. Finally, Dr. Amaya reviews problems that may arise during transition and how to confidently address them with your furry friend.

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For cats | $69