Wells Fargo is cutting more jobs in Des Moines metro, bringing 2024's total to 219

Letters: Broadlawns is being discriminatory, not Freedom for Youth

The Register's Readers
Special to the Register

Broadlawns is being discriminatory, not Freedom for Youth

The Sept. 21 Register has a story titled "Hospital severs ties with coffee provider." Broadlawns Medical Center spokesperson Renee Hardman is quoted as saying, "Broadlawns chooses to partner with organizations that are inclusive and accepting of everyone's differences."

But in fact, it appears that the coffee provider was willing to accept Broadlawns, even if it had different views of culture, marriage, sexuality, etc., than the coffee provider did. It was Broadlawns that was not inclusive or accepting of others' differences. In fact, this was an expression of religious intolerance — Broadlawns discriminated against a group simply because it believed something was true that the hospital's staff did not.

Freedom for Youth Ministries is very accepting of people with special needs and specific handicaps. The ministry is not intolerant and demonstrates that through the coffee shop. Freedom for Youth shows what its members believe by their actions.

Broadlawns seems to show intolerance through its leaders' actions as well. They appear to say: "We will not allow people who differ from us to be present on our grounds and conduct a business there."

This, is bigotry and a clear example of religious intolerance.

There was no demonstration from Broadlawns that the coffee shop discriminated against anyone. Freedom for Youth simply held a belief that some things are correct and some things are not. The hospital discriminated against the ministry because of those beliefs.

I find this atrocious. This decision should be reversed immediately.

— David Payer, Des Moines 

Layoffs allow many to experience effects of new GOP policies

I wanted to let Gov. Kim Reynolds and the Republican-controlled Legislature in Iowa know how working people feel about them lately, in light of all the businesses announcing plant closings and layoffs.

Your visionary leadership is once again proving how you care for us when we lose our jobs through no fault of our own. With a reduced time period to receive unemployment, we can now experience bankruptcy sooner than Christmas.

On the other hand, finding a lesser-paying job will mean a life of poverty in Iowa during the coming winter. Thank you for another beautiful day in Iowa.

— James Landgraf, Ankeny

No progress in stopping corruption in Congress

President Barack Obama, following the bipartisan agreement of members of Congress in 2012, signed the Stock Act into law, which was supposed to prevent insider trading in Congress.

How come 10 years later we still have members of Congress on both sides of the aisle violating the very principle that was signed into law? Why aren’t they held to a higher standard and face more significant fines than $200? 

The Stock Act was supposed to launch transparency into congressional stock purchases and sales. When members get caught, they tend to blame everyone else. Their usual excuses stem from accounting errors, clerical worker errors, or ignorance of the law.

How can they misplace the information for thousands of dollars worth of stock purchases and sales? How can they be so ignorant of the law when their job is to know laws and make accurate changes to them when they get violated? As people who get elected by their constituents, they sure don’t like to represent us unless it benefits them by means of improving their wealth.

It’s discouraging to hear that Rep. Cindy Axne has violated this very law. 

It’s time to push Congress and our elected officials to act. It’s time to toughen up this law. As some members have suggested, “We should go as far as banning stocks completely for us.” 

— Eric Malcom, Pella

Let's lower hurdles for other professions!

Lindsey M. Burke, director of the Heritage Foundation Center for Education Policy, reports that Iowa needs to improve its regulatory freedom ranking "by significantly increasing the number of aspiring teachers who make their way into the K-12 classroom through alternative certification routes, or by eliminating teacher certification requirements altogether" (Sept. 18 essay). 

Well, if non-certified teachers for kids are OK, then it must be OK to eliminate licensing, certifications, or degrees for other occupations, such as for lawyers, doctors, radiologists, dentists, electricians, auto mechanics, etc. What's good for our most cherished human beings — children — must be OK for adults, too.  

I hope Burke never shows up for surgery to hear the surgeon's greeting, "Hi, I'm an aspiring surgeon."  

— Kevin Pokorny, Des Moines

EMS troubles highlight deeper problems

Re: "When you call 911, will an ambulance come in time?" (Sept. 18): For those who claim Iowa’s lack of emergency services is just another crisis that needs some money thrown at it, chew on these facts (not opinions):

  1. At the same time Iowa’s EMS demands grow because of the demographics of aging and chronic illness, the number of Iowans aged 18 to 64 is shrinking.
  2. A convoluted and expensive process to declare EMS “essential” is moot for the nearly 1,000 Iowa towns that don't even have the funds to train willing volunteers, which are 75% of the EMS workforce.

The conscious denial of Iowa’s crisis of health care access by those who are paid to know better is not only deplorable, it is downright life-threatening. 

— Jo Kline, West Des Moines

Biden's immigration policies led to this

While it may seem a bit too much to ship migrants to Democratic strongholds, that seems to be the only way to get some response and consideration for the mess at the border.

The current policies of this administration have pretty much been to allow anyone to come in without regard to who they are or what they may be bringing with them. If these shipments get the Democrats to stop and actually think about the problem and some common-sense solutions, I am all for it. 

— Beryl Richards, Nashua

Term limits would apply to Grassley, too, right?

Since she’s served less than four years, why are Republican ads criticizing Rep. Cindy Axne for not signing a term limits pledge, and not Sen. Chuck Grassley, who has been in the Senate for 42 years?

— Kenn Johnson, Des Moines

Grassley avoids many unfriendly constituents

ENOUGH! It's more than I can continue to stomach: reading, once again, a letter to the editor touting Sen. Chuck Grassley's 99-county tour, saying this proves he listens to his constituents.

I've lived in Story County over 40 years and neither I nor other activists I've spoken with about this can recall him having a public meeting with us in the past several decades! 

Oh, but Chuck Grassley certainly has had private meetings with Story County Republicans! With the Chamber of Commerce. Luncheon with Farm Bureau members. Invitation-only at Nevada Hertz Farm Management, a Republican-owned farm. Invitation-only with the Pork Producers.

But with the public? Stop allowing Grassley to bamboozle Iowans with this lie!

He has made himself totally inaccessible for the majority of the Story County public, and that also means he's been avoiding accountability.

Avoidance does not make him an "epitome of what representative government is supposed to be," as one writer recently gushed. It makes him just the opposite: an opportunist who cherry-picks his audiences, therefore avoiding the tough questions.

I wonder if other Iowa counties that tend to vote Democratic are also left off his list for public town-hall meetings that are actually open to all?

So, everyone: Stop spreading the lie.

— Susie Petra, Ames

Accepting migrants can be rewarding

I am a born-and-raised product of Escondido, California, northern San Diego County.  I live there in the winter and also during the pandemic siege.

Our county has experienced the steadily increasing numbers of documented and undocumented migrants in the last 50 years. This has been particularly hard for the southern border cities.

I helped with reading before the pandemic at a school I attended. Many of the students were from Guatemala. They are enrolled, no questions asked. I have given scholarships to students who are not documented.

Is it hard? Are there complaints? Of course. But, generally, California has accepted the burden and built a multicultural society, frayed at times. Basically, California tries.  

— Katherine B. Fromm, Ames

Gun measures on ballot should be rejected

Vote no on Public Measure #1! Here’s why. 

This is National Suicide Prevention Month. Over 500 Iowans kill themselves every year. Iowa’s suicide rate is increasing at nearly twice the national average. As a psychiatrist, I have cared for suicidal patients. You must act decisively to protect them from self-harm. One action is to remove guns from the home. This straightforward action saves lives.

Guns are lethal. Over 90% of suicide attempts made with guns are completed. Over 200 of Iowa suicides each year are gun-related. Some states have red flag laws that allow for removal of guns for harm reduction purposes. Iowa does not. Like most other states, Iowa law allows involuntary hospitalization to protect someone from self-harm. Yet Iowa law does not have any provision to temporarily remove guns to prevent someone from shooting themselves!

Public Measure #1 proposes to amend the state constitution with wording that will make it very difficult to pass red flag laws that can help families keep a suicidal loved one safe. Let’s not approve an unnecessary amendment that ties the hands of legislators trying to pass common sense gun safety laws. 

Please vote no on Public Measure #1.

— Paul Pomrehn, Iowa City

More:Iowans will vote on a gun rights amendment this fall. Here's what you need to know.

Queen's death reveals unity we lack in America

As with so many other millions of Americans, I sat viewing the proceedings of the funeral for Queen Elizabeth II in awe of the sheer majesty of the event. But more moving for me was the gravity of the occasion, as evidenced in the throngs of mourners who lined both sides of the funeral procession like an endless, silent honor guard.

How fortunate have been the citizens of the United Kingdom and of the Commonwealth nations for 70 years. We Americans, as one people, have no national leader in whom to entrust the best of who we are and see it manifested in both the personal and public life of that person. Franklin Roosevelt comes to mind, of course. But of the stature of Elizabeth II — in the eyes of the world, Abraham Lincoln may have been the last. It is in his honor and to his memory that we raised a temple to enshrine our enduring respect and gratitude.

As a testament to her selfless and constant devotion to fulfilling the duties and obligations of head of state, the Queen deserves no less from those she served. I’m reminded of Royal Albert Hall and the Victoria and Albert Museum. Can anyone doubt that Elizabeth II stands on equal footing with those illustrious luminaries in British history?

— Steven Pokorny, Urbandale

It's moral failure to leave Putin unchecked

"Never again." "Never again." The lesson of the Holocaust. Yet we are allowing genocide to happen again in Ukraine.

The killing and torture of civilians in Ukraine must be stopped. The United States and the rest of the world must bring charges of genocide and war crimes in the U.N. and the World Court and prosecute President Vladimir Putin, the country of Russia and the Russian military immediately. I am enraged, angered, horrified and embarrassed that the United States and the rest of the countries of the world are doing nothing to stop these murders and hold those responsible for these heinous actions. Demand that President Joe Biden and Congress take action now.

— James Marcovis, West Des Moines

Reynolds got us to 10,000 deaths more quickly

I read with interest Michaela Ramm's story reporting the approach of 10,000 Iowa deaths from COVID-19, but searched in vain for a single mention of Gov. Kim Reynolds' weak and vacillating response that inflated the toll. 

Earlier this year, James Merchant, founding dean of the University of Iowa College of Public Health, wrote that, compared per capita with Minnesota, Iowa suffered 3,000 needless deaths. That's about a thousand more than the fatalities on 9/11, who we immortalize each year with fields of U.S. flags. That's a lot of Iowa flags.

— Jim Zeller, Des Moines

Grassley is the 'professional politican,' right?

I’ve heard a few advertisements supporting Zach Nunn. I know it’s not the intent, but every time I hear something like "on’t send another professional politician to Washington," it sounds like he’s referring to Chuck Grassley. After all, who better, in all of the United States, meets the definition of a professional politician better than Chuck Grassley?

Even the most ravenous supporter of Chuck Grassley has to admit that he is, in fact, an elite professional politician. Serving continually since 1981 is an awfully long time. 

Perhaps someone on Nunn’s staff should rethink that particular strategy. 

— Bob Brown, Ankeny

Consider book selection, not just bans

Given the annual emphasis on banned books, it should be pointed out that every librarian uses some criteria for book selection. As such, there are certain books that would never be considered appropriate for selection. Yes, books are routinely banned from libraries. The question is, which and whose criteria prevail to determine when a book is inappropriate to include in the library?

This works both ways. Everyone will have their list of “banned books,” no matter what their political or cultural persuasion.  

— Gerald Haas, Albia