Letters: Strict scrutiny is unwarranted for gun laws

The Register's Readers
Special to the Register

Strict scrutiny is unwarranted for gun laws

Thank you for the Sept. 2 story on the proposed amendment to the Iowa Constitution on our Nov. 8 ballot. The label "Public Measure #1" is deceptive because the wording of this amendment will impede sensible firearm regulation and will not benefit public safety.

"Strict scrutiny" of gun laws is used in only three states: Alabama, Louisiana and Missouri which rank fifth, sixth and seventh highest in gun deaths. Only a "NO" vote can protect Iowans right to NOT be shot.

— Julie Fischer, Decorah

Another example of oppression

To all of you who believe that critical race theory is a hoax — it seems to be no coincidence that many U.S. cities with the worst water quality and service are composed of majority Black and brown citizens. Whether this situation is caused deliberately or by negligence, the result is the same: Those with the fewest resources are most ignored until there is a crisis.

Sending truckloads of bottled water is not justice. The saddest part is that all this will be forgotten soon.

— Yvonne Salem, Des Moines

Iowa shows little regard for working families

Regarding Rekha Basu's column "Iowa leaders protect businesses, shrug at workers' needs": The Republican-controlled Statehouse sent a clear message about the body's position on celebrating working people when it amended the unemployment law to require unemployed Iowans to accept a job for less pay than their previous job, even after only one week of being on unemployment.

These legislators have some nerve celebrating the dignity of workers this Labor Day when they brazenly target working people whenever they get a chance. From prohibiting counties and cities from raising the minimum wage or entering into project labor agreements to gutting collective bargaining rights and workers’ compensation, the Republican-controlled Legislature has shown little care for working families. 

— Earl Agan, Des Moines

Show the evidence for success of privatized Medicaid

Iowa now has three private agencies to manage $7 billion in Medicaid funds for 790,000 Iowans. That’s a lot of money intended to help a lot of vulnerable Iowans. When privatization of Medicaid funds became reality in 2016, we were told that, in comparison with publicly managed funds, there would be cost savings and greater efficiencies realized. To my knowledge, Iowans have never been provided with convincing data to support those claims. 

Both Iowa Medicaid Director Elizabeth Matney and Iowa Health and Human Services Director Kelly Garcia use vague language to talk about results. It would be more useful to provide actual data that reflect tangible results that have been achieved since Iowa transitioned to private management of Medicaid funding. What are the outcomes? How has infrastructure improved over public management? How satisfied are Iowa Medicaid clients who have received services? How is the performance of the private companies measured? What did they promise in their proposals?

I’m sure that those who supported the transition to private management would prefer not to share that information. It would be a lot of work to put together.

— Cynthia Erickson, Des Moines

Student debt policy is Biden's worst move yet

President Joe Biden continues to embrace measures that didn’t define him when he was campaigning. He was the moderate Democrat who was designated to beat Donald Trump — and he did, regardless of what excesses Trump employed to try to overcome the 2020 election.

Biden’s presidency has, of course, ever since embraced the far-left/progressive brand: Open borders, inflation, energy policies, national security, and so on are all major considerations.  

The forgiveness of student debt (assuming its legality) may not be Biden’s biggest gaffe, but its one that really infuriates me! It’s a classic staple of a socialist agenda, another reallocation of wealth. I don’t know of any prospective college student having had a gun pointed at their head forcing them to enroll at any particular college and designate their course/major which upon completion resulted in a reasonable earning potential.

I had to study hard in college — post-Korean War experience, supported by the G.I. Bill and a wife working two jobs. When my three daughters reached college age we were able to pay their way, allowing them/expecting them to focus on academics. They each had productive careers.

Having used this process, not expecting someone else to pick up the bill, I have no records to reveal how much the college might have had in this deal — in other words, raising fees/tuition in concert with the federal government’s largesse.  

— William D. Blohm, Carroll

I'm a Democrat inspired to root for the healing of the Republican Party

As a lifelong Democrat living during this period of political polarization, I have long been programed to not only root for Democrats but to also relish in any challenges faced by the Republican Party. Then came the 2016 presidential primaries, when for the first time I started rooting for Republicans to successfully combat a growing internal movement that could be dangerous for the entire country and political system.

hile this 2016 primary was not successful, it was the strongest patriotic feeling I had ever experienced in deeply rooting for country over politics. On Sept. 1, I was clearly reminded about this patriotic ideal of country over party in the landmark speech delivered by President Joe Biden, and while I cannot do anything to heal the Republican Party, I will be praying and hoping our Republican brothers and sisters have the strength to fix and heal this important institution that was once led by Abraham Lincoln. 

— Nathan Riggle, Des Moines

Iowans deserve safe hearing assistance

After years of misleading marketing campaigns proclaiming hearing amplifiers as “FDA-approved” hearing aids, the Food and Drug Administration finalized over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aid regulations to protect consumers. Sen. Chuck Grassley spearheaded this effort to expand hearing aid accessibility. As OTC devices come to market, patient safety must be a priority. 

Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller rallied state attorneys general to issue a statement to the FDA that strengthened the final OTC regulations. He also warned consumers about deceptive marketing tactics. While amplifiers can be purchased over the counter, it’s important to see a licensed hearing professional. The same goes for OTC devices.

As an audiologist, I know how quickly everyday sounds can damage hearing. It’s critical OTC products have adequate sound limitations. Thankfully, the FDA listened to public concerns and reduced amplification limits in its final rules. However, possibly harmful sections of these rules remain. The current FDA regulations preempt state-level consumer protections, meaning states like Iowa cannot enact stronger consumer protections.

OTC hearing aids are a budget-friendly option for those with perceived mild-to-moderate hearing loss, but proper regulations must be in place, and the hearing professional must stay involved to accurately diagnose and treat hearing loss and ensure safe sound levels. 

— Dr. Jessica Dimmick, Ankeny

College costs have skyrocketed

I read many of the letters to the editor from the Sept. 4 edition of the Register, and there is one who replied to a Your Turn essay saying that the original author should not have lived beyond her needs when asking for her $300,000 total student debt relieved.

I attended the University of Iowa from August 1991 to December 1995 and graduated with a bachelor of arts degree in journalism and mass communication. As my 49-year-old memory isn't as sharp as it once was when I was 18 to 22 years of age, I decided to Google what UI tuition was during that time.

The UI Libraries' website didn't have a specific reference to 1991, but the fall of 1990 had tuition for undergrads like me, who are Iowa residents, at $940. For the start of my last full year, fall of 1994, it went up to $1,145.50. Add that to a couple thousand dollars per year that I spent to live at Mayflower Residence Hall, and my debt at the time was around $15,000.

Then I went to the admissions page and found that THIS YEAR, tuition is $10,353 for Iowa residents, housing and meals is $11,476, and estimated expenses are $5,054. That means today's freshmen have to fork over $26,883. Comparing it to my closest private school, Wartburg College in Waverly, it's 56.6% of the $47,500 total there.

The problem isn't that President Joe Biden is forgiving between $10,000 and $20,000. It's the fact that Republicans in Des Moines are not supporting the three state universities with adequate budgets that don't shift the burden to the students. Public universities should be much more affordable. 

— Eric VanSickle, Cedar Falls

Grassley set the standard for connecting with Iowans

Iowans have always been some of the most politically involved people in the country. Our first-in-the-nation caucuses set a high bar. We get political visitors constantly. We certainly aren’t afraid to ask tough questions of politicians.

That is what makes it all the more remarkable that our own senator has gone around inviting these questions in every one of our counties for 42 years. Once again Chuck Grassley has completed his 99-county tour.  It has been copied and coopted by just about all our statewide officials, from both parties. Even presidential candidates have attempted their own “Full Grassley.”

Grassley’s example has become part of the political fabric of our state. Grassley’s 99 county meetings have become an iconic routine because the project is the epitome of what representative government is supposed to be, but unfortunately often isn’t in other places. We Iowans decide what is asked, and he takes our concerns back to Washington. 

— Kim D. Schmett, Clive

Vote Republican to repair the economy

After turning on the news, do you wonder can our economy get any worse? I do. In two short years we’ve gone from an optimistic recovery to an economy in chaos with a long-term recession looming.

America is in hard times and your paycheck covers less due to inflation. 

Our energy bills have increased, and 20 million people are late paying their bills.

The cost of groceries and supplies are at a 43-year high.

Our seniors and workers savings’ accounts have shrunk.

Gas and diesel fuel costs are still high.

Wages cannot keep up with inflation.

To make matters worse, interest rates have climbed and are going to continue. The Federal Reserve won’t be able to solve the problems alone as it cannot control Congress or the president's disastrous executive orders. Feckless laws passed by the Democrat majority in Congress have caused this situation. 

We all want to feel hopeful. We can turn this around. Vote on Nov. 8. Take a fresh look at conservative candidates who are fighting an uphill battle for America’s stability and security. Chuck Grassley, Mariannette Miller-Meeks and Zach Nunn have specific plans to improve the economy and need your vote to make it happen.

This election is about the economy.

— Viki Wilson, Ottumwa

Hatred can destroy us

The Sept. 5 Register published two moving stories that put hate and its consequences before us. David Wolnerman landed in Nazi death camps because of who he is. Rachel Dreier is leaving Iowa because she faces hate here for who she is. So many others deal every day with hate for who they are.

Some 80 years passed between the crux events of these two stories, yet hate goes on. Have we learned nothing? Have we no sense of grace or respect for our common humanity? Have we forgotten that we should not judge lest we be judged? Why should anyone force their warped judgment of another on the life of an innocent person simply because of who they are? What evil lurks behind this inability to tolerate one another’s differences? More to the point, why destroy a guiltless person’s “life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness” with no more reason than unthinking hatred?

When government, in all of our names, imposes hatred on the innocent, we are all guilty and live in shame. We all need to look in the mirror and ask what we can do to stop the hate.

— David W. Leslie, West Des Moines

Symphony show was an idyllic moment

I enjoyed the second outdoor concert offered by the Des Moines Symphony at Water Works Park over the weekend. It was fabulous! Marvelous music, a huge and respectful crowd, ideal weather. Happy and uplifting. A reminder of the many things which contribute to our good life in central Iowa. Thanks to the Symphony and the public-spirited citizens who make these concerts possible. 

— Ruth Bailey, Clive

Sad to see IMAX go

We recently traveled to St. Paul, Minnesota, and visited the Minnesota Science Center. We done the same in St. Louis and other cities. These centers offered science- and travel-themed IMAX films, and it really enhanced the experience.

Make no mistake, the loss of IMAX films at the��Science Center of Iowa is a big loss. Regardless of other IMAX theaters in the area, they don’t offer the same types of films. An insurance squabble shouldn’t have ended this experience for Iowans. More effort should be spent to preserve the valuable resource. 

— Jim Green, Johnston

More:The IMAX theater at the Science Center of Iowa won't re-open. What happens next?

Iowa should discard 'right to work'

Regarding Rekha Basu's Sept. 2 opinion piece, "Iowa leaders protect businesses, shrug at workers' needs": Many thanks to Ms. Basu for pointing out that Iowa's so-called "right to work" law hurts Iowa workers. It is one of the oldest so-called "right to work" laws in the country, passed in 1947 at a time when mostly just southern states were adopting the policies.

“Right to work” is the misleading name for a policy designed to take away rights from working people. Backers of these laws claim that they protect workers against being forced to join a union. The reality is that federal law already makes it illegal to force someone to join a union. The real purpose of right to work laws is to weaken union power by allowing individuals to reap the benefits of collective bargaining and a union contract without paying fair share fees (non-dues to account for the costs of union representation in an organized workplace).

These laws make it harder for working people to form unions and collectively bargain for better wages, benefits and working conditions. If Iowa wants a stronger workforce and a higher quality of life for working families, it should repeal its "right to work" (for less) law. 

— Andy Roberts, Cambridge