Letters: Iowans need to know what gun amendment would do

The Register's Readers
Special to the Register

Iowans need to know what gun amendment would do

On Aug. 12, I attended a hearing at the State Capitol building requested by myself and other advocates for responsible gun laws regarding public measure #1, which will be on the ballot Nov. 8.

All Iowans will have the opportunity to vote as to whether we amend the Iowa Constitution to say that gun ownership is a fundamental right and that any restrictions are subject to strict scrutiny. 

Most people who commented requested that the secretary of state to provide a summary of the amendment that informs the voter as to what the amendment means, particularly the term "strict scrutiny."

Most Iowans like myself don’t have law degrees; we are unfamiliar with complex legal terms such as this. It is the responsibility of the secretary of state to ensure voters are informed, especially when it comes to amending the state constitution.

Adding the words strict scrutiny to a state constitution is rare. In my research, including speaking with University of Iowa students and a law professor, I have learned the proposed amendment is likely to result in limiting the ability to pass and retain responsible, common-sense gun laws such as restoring permitting or background check laws or enacting red flag laws. Please join me in voting "no" to this reckless gun amendment. 

— Stacy Van Zante, Iowa City   

Frustration��makes sense, but don't give up on voting

I admit, I wince when I hear people say they’re not going to vote because it doesn’t matter. Elections can be decided by a handful of votes — literally. Countless people fought hard, risked their lives, and lost their lives for the right to cast their ballot. Direct mutual aid is important and effective, individual by individual. But if someone says it is the only thing worth doing, they are addressing only the effects of the policy, and ceding the making or changing of the policy to power.

Actually, we need all of us doing all of it to make change. We need people to sign petitions, write and call their legislators, show up at town halls and ask questions, run for office, work for and donate to candidates, help people vote (and understand the ever-changing voting rules), vote in every election at every level, write letters to the editor, show up at state legislative and city council meetings, serve on a board, attend a rally, march in the streets, donate to advocacy organizations, educate yourself and others on the issues, write a song or poem or story, make art, take care of yourself and your health, give mutual aid to those affected, and more. 

Social change is hard and takes time. Sometimes it’s excruciating how much time it takes. And when change achieved is then reversed, it’s even more excruciating. But that’s also why we need so many strategies and tactics to create and maintain it.

Choose a lane — choose many lanes — but in the long run, making a hierarchy of actions or insisting people do this thing but not that thing is helpful only to those in power. It’s much easier to stop one action than many. 

So, yes, give direct aid. March and yell. Write and sing. Use your passion and anger. But also, please vote. Voting is the least you can do, but it matters a great deal. Remember and honor those social change activists who gave their lives for a belief that representation matters and so does the ability to choose. If we cede the right to choose our representation, we yield policy-making to power.

— Jane Robinette, Urbandale

More:Abortion rights activists frustrated with get out the vote messaging

Don't you know? It's free speech.

One of the advantages of reviewing a newspaper daily is that one can have some idea of what is happening in one’s general vicinity. This has always seemed to be a good idea — knowing what is happening in the neighborhood.

This brings us to the Des Moines Register of Aug. 16, which has a rather lengthy article about a woman named Nancy Boettger. Boettger has been appointed to serve on the Iowa Board of Regents, which among other things, is the governing body for the three state universities. The Board of Regents has nine members who are appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Iowa Senate.

What brings this to the front is the report that Boettger believes that climate change is a “politically charged topic” and that the failure to discuss or affirm this position within the universities is a failure of free speech. She has provided books to the universities that apparently maintain that human activities have minimum impact on the climate. She seems to expect this view to be actively discussed within the respective science departments.

This seems to me to be akin to her providing Kirk Ferentz some literature on pass defense, expecting him to share it in the locker room at halftime. The real issue here is, how can this person be on Iowa’s Board of Regents? Who would appoint someone this ignorant and opinionated to the controlling board of respected educational institutions?

Even if she were correct, the idea that she maintains such a high opinion of herself as to suggest to professional scientists and academics that she knows more about climate than they do is absurd and so pretentious as to be dangerous.

The real cause for alarm here is that, in Boettger’s view, we must be free to be stupid and we will mandate this freedom to one and all including our educational institutions.

And obviously, she is not alone — someone with like-minded views had to have appointed her and then confirmed her appointment. This is even more frightening. Yes, one has the right to be stupid, but I reject the notion that one has the right to impose stupidity on others.

— Richard E. H. Phelps II, Mingo 

Those who can repay student loans should

While President Joe Biden ponders what to do about student loan debt, I have a simple solution for fixing what the administration has deemed a problem. Start with a means test. College is supposed to increase your marketability and income. If that’s not the case, why are people borrowing all this money for college?

For students who have earned degrees for which there are no or only low-paying jobs, colleges have huge amounts of endowment money. Let them pay off or down the loans. For those that have good-paying jobs, they should pay off their debt, with lending institutions rewriting terms if needed to ease making the payments. Otherwise, where does the government stop? Home, auto, or elective surgery loans?

— Steve Lame, Des Moines

Norwood can help restore waters

I want to voice my support for John Norwood as secretary of agriculture. I’m from Hardin County, the worst county for CAFOs. We have over 200 of them. In turn, we also have the worst nitrate levels in our water, some levels reaching 30 milligrams per liter. I worry for the health of my family and myself drinking water from a well in such a polluted county.

Norwood has the will and the experience to help transform our waters back to something resembling healthy. He views water not just as something to drain to turn fields productive but as a community resource. We all have a say in how our water is managed, and Norwood will ensure all the public is benefited as Iowa embraces beneficial change in agriculture. 

— Jaiden Shahan, Ackley

Essay hit the nail on the head on teacher shortages

I recommend that Gov. Kim Reynolds, every person in her administration and every legislator read the Aug. 11 opinion piece from The Conversation by guest columnists Henry Tran and Douglas Smith on causes of the teacher shortage in Iowa as well as other states. 

Education is just one of the institutions in America where disrespect and the lack of fair pay are the main reasons for shortages. It advanced in Iowa when collective bargaining was extremely reduced for the profession, recalibrating the pay scale for teachers.

Physical and verbal harassment of teachers and school staff is reported regularly in some middle and high schools. Staff say they no longer discipline students when the expected response is yelling and threats from the student.  

Teachers are demeaned by a Legislature that micromanages course content and library resources. Loosening requirements for certification looks like allowing less-qualified persons to enter the profession, lessening confidence in teaching quality as well as more disrespect for the profession. Budgeting for public schools has lagged with new devices for enabling students who don’t depend on public transportation taking their “scholarship” and escaping the public schools. As a Roman Catholic sister, I believe it violates the Constitution for public funds to be used to attend religiously operated schools.  

And all of this, history shows, means a greater impact on the poor and students of color. Shame on us!

— Sister Mary Rehmann, Davenport

Congress feeds inflation, while Reynolds solves Iowans' problems

President Joe Biden and the Democrats have proved once again that instead of working for the American people, they work to serve their own interests. Amid a recession, the Inflation Reduction Act is the last thing our country needs. Despite its name, this legislation will increase the economic burden Americans face on a daily basis. 

But in Iowa, Gov. Kim Reynolds is putting in the work, and we’re already noticing results. Iowans are seeing more money in their paychecks, unemployment is back to pre-pandemic levels, a record number of small businesses have been created, and we have the freedom to make our own decisions with our money. The difference is clear between Biden and the Democrats' blueprint for the country versus Reynolds and the Republicans' plan.

The Democrats told us that their previous spending bill wouldn’t lead to increased inflation, then they told us they were mistaken. Well, it’s back, and they’re still making a mistake. Meanwhile, here at home, Reynolds is making life easier on Iowans with her fiscally responsible budgeting and year-after-year tax breaks. She has my vote, and I hope she has yours, too.

— Whitney Smith McIntosh, Altoona

Field of Dreams tax money could help more elsewhere

The Aug. 10 Register carried the above-the-fold headline "Field of Dreams stadium allocated $12.5M." In the third paragraph we see the Iowa Economic Development Authority recommended the award. It is not until the eighth paragraph that we read the governor created Destination Iowa a $100 million grant program using funds provided by the American Rescue Plan Act, a coronavirus relief bill from the Biden administration.

These funds, while important for Dubuque area, are not the governor's to proclaim. She left COVID-19 dollars on the table for education. Iowa's entire delegation except for Cindy Axne voted against the American Rescue Plan Act.

These tourism dollars could rather be used to clean our streams and lakes; 12 to 15 are closed every weekend to tourists and Iowans.

Remember come November.

— Mary Weaver, Rippey

Let's solve the actual problems in the classroom

Thanks to Henry Tran and Douglas Smith for their opinion on the real problems related to teacher shortages. It's time for administrators, consultants, principals and parents to support their children's classroom teachers. Teachers need training and support in socializing and disciplining children in the classroom. Iowa needs to financially support their public schools and look at the needs of the classroom. Substitute shortages also cause teachers more stress and less planning time. Many retired teachers do not want to return to the disrespect, chaos, phone use and lack of support in the classroom.

Des Moines as a community needs to look at how it can return to a functioning and cutting-edge school district instead of lowering standards and requirements. I want excellent schools for my grandchildren. What do you want for your children and grandchildren? 

— Lynn Cannon, Des Moines

Algebra's benefits are wide-reaching

Jacqueline Van Ahn makes some good points with her letter on Aug. 11 ("Some skills are more important than algebra"). She says that schools should offer a class in “financial literacy” or “general business” and put less emphasis on algebra.

However, I think she is missing a major benefit that algebra offers — problem solving! I taught algebra and geometry in Ankeny for many years before retiring in 2006. So, I have firsthand knowledge about the “problem solving” benefits of taking algebra. Now I agree that schools would be wise to offer additional courses like the ones Ms. Van Ahn suggests, but don’t rule out the benefits of a basic algebra class.

— Steve Lamansky, Ankeny

State Fair rules exclude some

A gentleman with COPD using an oxygen tank and also having mobility issues was denied the ability to use his scooter at the State Fair. Why? They measured his scooter when he tried to come through the gate, and because it was 8 inches too long, they wouldn't allow him to use it. His wife was with him to see their grandchildren show in the agricultural arena. They ended up walking with his oxygen tank and plenty of rests along the way in order to do it.

Since the fair did away with the majority of their tractor-pulled shuttles, elderly and handicapped Iowans and families with smaller children have suffered.

I rented a mobility scooter myself for the first time on Aug. 12. For $65 a day, whether you use it all day or for two hours, it's great to be able to get around without searching for a place to rest every one hundred feet or so. What about people who can't afford that? You also have to be 18 to use it. What about handicapped teenagers? There are many, many gas-powered four-wheeled vehicles delivering supplies to vendors and golf carts going much faster than these scooters zipping around the fairgrounds, and they are much longer than any scooter I saw.

The State Fair Board needs to reconsider this policy and bring back the shuttles. Many people have lost the ability to attend the Iowa State Fair after doing so for many decades.

— Sue Marcus Wilbois, Des Moines