Watch: Republican candidate for U.S House shares views

Portrait of Lucas Grundmeier Lucas Grundmeier
Des Moines Register

Last month, the Des Moines Register editorial board interviewed Republican U.S. House candidate Gary Leffler. Leffler, an activist from West Des Moines, is competing for the party's 3rd Congressional District nomination against businesswoman Nicole Hasso of Johnston and state Sen. Zach Nunn and Bondurant in a June 7 primary. The winner will face incumbent Democratic U.S. Rep. Cindy Axne.

Hasso and Nunn did not respond to invitations from the editorial board to sit for interviews. The Register editorial board is not issuing endorsements in elections for federal office this year.

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A transcript of a notable answer during Leffler's interview appears below the recording.

May 5: Gary Leffler

Question: Can you think of any other issues that in 2023 and 2024 a Republican Congress could work with the president on?

Leffler: I believe that one of the most hurtful, harmful things that has happened in our country over the last 10 to 12 years is this: Our country is being governed, in many ways, largely by executive orders. And I think that that's harmful to the country. I don't think it's productive. I remember when President Trump was in office, I was calling congressmen, I’d say, ‘Hey, did you think that was a good executive order?’ ‘Oh, yeah, we loved it.’ ‘Well, then get down there on the floor, and write a bill and make that law.’ Because we all know what was going to happen. You know, when the first time a Democrat came in, what was he going to do? He was going to reverse all those executive orders. And that's exactly what happened.

I'll ask the Des Moines Register this question. If every four to eight years, you were fundamentally changed in your core mission here, you could not operate as a paper. You can't operate as a business. And I think, in reality, foreign countries, other countries look at us, and they go, 'You’ve got to be kidding us. When is this merry-go-round going to stop?' And what it comes back to, Lucas, is this, it comes back to the fact that Congress is negligent in its duty. They’ve said, ‘Oh, we don't have to vote on this. We can relegate this to some other place. And then we don't have to take responsibility for it.’

And I'm saying, if a president has a good executive order — and they could even be Joe Biden, right, if he's got a great executive order … you're going to get me on a rabbit trail a little bit here — but I remember this, when Cindy Axne was first elected to Congress and President Trump was doing the State of the Union speech, and the president of the United States said, we have record employment for Hispanics, we have record employment for Blacks, we have record employment for women, and she sat there. She just sat there.

If I'm in Congress, or when I'm in Congress, and under Joe Biden, if he gets up at his State of the Union speech, and he says, we have record employment for women, we have record employment for Hispanics, record employment for Blacks — too many times, politicians want to take credit for what the American people have accomplished. And I say it was wrong, not to stand up and to applaud what the American people had done.

And that's where I think politics crosses lines, because it's the American people. It's a small independent businessman. It's our Iowa farmers is what makes America great. And then sometimes in spite of the politicians, in spite of all the regulations, in spite of all the rules, they find a way to win. Always applaud what the American people have done. Always.