Majority of Iowans oppose Gov. Kim Reynolds' proposal to cut unemployment benefits

Portrait of Tyler Jett Tyler Jett
Des Moines Register

© Copyright 2022, Des Moines Register and Tribune Co

The majority of Iowans oppose cuts to unemployment insurance, although the idea has become more popular among Republicans.

Fifty-three percent of respondents to the Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll oppose proposed cuts to benefits for laid-off workers, while 38% favor the plan. Another 9% of respondents are undecided.

A bill backed by Gov. Kim Reynolds in the Legislature this year would decrease how long Iowans can receive weekly payments, from 26 weeks to 16 weeks. The bill also would require claimants to wait a week before receiving funds and require them to accept lower-paying job offers than the current law demands.

The proposal marks Republican leaders’ second attempt in as many years to cut unemployment payments. Last year’s version, which failed, did not propose reducing how long claimants could receive benefits, but the bill would have decreased the amount of money Iowans could receive every week — a proposal not in this year’s edition.

Last year, an Iowa Poll found that 75% of respondents opposed cutting benefits in a similar question, 22 percentage points higher than this year. Majorities of Republicans, Democrats and independents opposed the proposed cuts. But the most recent poll showed greater divisions along party lines.

This year, 60% of Republicans now support the cuts, an increase of 38 percentage points since last year, while 28% oppose them. Meanwhile, among Democrats, opposition is still strong: Only 14% of Democrats support the cuts this year, and 82% oppose them. Among self-described independents, 39% support the cuts, an increase of 21 percentage points from last year, and 52% oppose them.

The poll of 813 Iowa adults was conducted from Feb. 28 to March 2 by Selzer & Co. and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.4 percentage points.

Shawn Smith, a sales associate in West Des Moines who identifies as a Republican, supports cutting unemployment insurance. He believes too many people are supporting themselves with the benefits rather than going to work. The maximum weekly benefit under the program in Iowa is $651 for a claimant with at least four dependents.

Smith, 54, said unemployment insurance should pay $2 an hour less than the minimum wage — an amount that would yield $210 a week. He said too many people slack off at work, knowing they can receive the benefit if laid off. Workers fired for cause are not eligible for unemployment.

“This is just ridiculous,” Smith said. “Minimum wage doesn’t mean anything anymore. You want to sit on your butt for nothing because the job’s beneath you? It’s like, forget you. You’re unsuccessful for a reason.”

James Stichnoth, an audio engineer in Davenport who identifies as a Democrat, opposes unemployment cuts. He said kicking people off the rolls earlier will threaten parents’ abilities to pay for rent and food for their families. He said making the benefit less generous will force claimants to accept lower-paying jobs, rather than holding out a couple of extra weeks for a job that pays better.

“It will subject more and more Iowans to poverty,” he said.

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Income influences views on unemployment benefit cuts

Iowans are also divided on the issue along income lines. Among those earning less than $70,000 a year, 30% favor the cuts and 62% oppose them. Among those making $70,000 or more a year, 49% favor the cuts and 43% oppose them.

A record number of Iowans received unemployment payments two years ago when many businesses laid off workers at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Government policies influenced many of these layoffs, as Reynolds and other governors across the country forced businesses like bars and restaurants to stop in-person service.

As a result, the state paid a combined $1.67 billion in unemployment insurance benefits to Iowans in 2020 and 2021, more than double the $747 million that the state paid to workers in 2018 and 2019.

Iowa Workforce Development provides the benefit through a trust fund, which companies around the state support with payroll taxes. A formula determines each business’s tax rate, based on how many workers that company has historically laid off and how much money is in the trust fund.

The tax rate increases as the size of the trust fund drops. But despite record unemployment insurance payouts the last two years, businesses have not seen a rate increase. Reynolds offset the high payments by directing $728 million in federal COVID-19 relief into the trust fund.

In fact, the fund had about $1.37 billion in it as of March 1, up from $1.2 billion before the pandemic started two years ago.

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Did Iowa's previous unemployment cuts work to help with the labor shortage? 

Reynolds has said several times over the last year that Iowans aren’t taking jobs because unemployment insurance is too generous. In May, the governor announced that she would withdraw the state from federally funded unemployment programs, taking away about $300 a week from unemployed workers and kicking about 28,000 Iowans off unemployment rolls.

“It’s time for everyone who can to get back to work,” Reynolds said in a statement at the time.

In her Condition of the State address in January, when she announced her latest proposals to cut the state’s unemployment insurance program, Reynolds told the crowd, “The safety net has become a hammock.”

A Legislative Services Agency report estimates that Reynolds’ proposed cuts would keep about $97 million in the trust fund for the 2023 fiscal year, about 25% of the amount the state paid out before the pandemic in 2019.

Some of the state’s biggest employers — including Casey’s General Stores, MercyOne, UnityPoint Health and Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co. — have registered in favor of the bill. So have conservative groups like The Family Leader and Americans for Prosperity, as have corporate representatives like the Iowa Business Council and the Iowa Association of Business and Industry.

The state’s biggest unions and social services organizations like the United Way of Central Iowa have registered against the bill.

“It’s an earned benefit,” North Central States Regional Council of Carpenters lobbyist Felicia Hilton said during a hearing on the bill in February. “It isn’t something that someone is handing out to you.”

After the state withdrew from the federal unemployment programs on June 12, a spokesperson for Iowa Workforce Development said, more residents contacted the agency seeking help with job applications. The state also experienced a slight uptick in hiring.

From mid-June to mid-September, when the federal programs had been scheduled to expire, the state added about 9,200 jobs. The state added about 7,000 jobs in the three months prior to those unemployment cuts.

However, other data indicates that the cuts had no impact. The country overall — including states that continued to pay workers federal unemployment benefits — added jobs twice as fast as Iowa did from June to September.

Including Iowa, 25 states cut federal benefits early. A Wall Street Journal analysis found that those states added jobs at a slower rate than did the states that continued to pay the benefits.

“If the question is, ‘Is (unemployment) the key thing that’s holding back the labor market recovery?’ The answer is no, definitely not, based on the available data,” University of Chicago economist Peter Ganong told the Journal in September.

In the last two U.S. recessions, Congress has bolstered the unemployment insurance program. During the Great Recession from 2007 to 2009, the federal government created programs that allowed workers to stay on unemployment for 99 weeks, up from the typical 26 weeks. The government also gave claimants an extra $25 a week.

The government provided more money during the COVID-19 pandemic, creating a program that gave unemployed workers an extra $600 a week for much of 2020 and an extra $300 a week for much of 2021.

Despite those higher payments, the country’s economic recovery has been faster in the latest recession. Through January — 21 months into the recovery — Iowa has regained 81% of the jobs it lost at the beginning of the pandemic. The state needed 34 months to regain that proportion of lost jobs after the Great Recession.

The country overall has experienced an even faster recovery. The United States had regained 87% of jobs lost through January. The country needed 45 months — an extra two years — to reach that point after the Great Recession.

About the poll

The Iowa Poll, conducted Feb. 28-March 2, 2022, for the Des Moines Register and Mediacom by Selzer & Co. of Des Moines, is based on telephone interviews with 813 Iowans ages 18 or older. Interviewers with Quantel Research contacted households with randomly selected landline and cell phone numbers supplied by Dynata. Interviews were administered in English. Responses were adjusted by age, sex and congressional district to reflect the general population based on recent American Community Survey estimates.

Questions based on the sample of 813 Iowa adults have a maximum margin of error of plus or minus 3.4 percentage points. Questions based on the subsample of 612 likely voters in the 2022 general election have a maximum margin of error of plus or minus 4.0 percentage points. This means that if this survey were repeated using the same questions and the same methodology, 19 times out of 20, the findings would not vary from the true population value by more than plus or minus 3.4 percentage points or 4.0 percentage points, respectively. Results based on smaller samples of respondents — such as by gender or age — have a larger margin of error.

Republishing the copyright Iowa Poll without credit to the Register and Mediacom is prohibited.

More:How is the Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll conducted? We answer your top questions.

Iowa Poll Methodology

Tyler Jett covers jobs and the economy for the Des Moines Register. Reach him at, 515-284-8215, or on Twitter at @LetsJett.