Gov. Kim Reynolds has controlled $2.7 billion in federal COVID-19 aid. Here's how she's spending it.

Portrait of Ian Richardson Ian Richardson
Des Moines Register

Iowa's state government has so far received nearly $10.4 billion in federal COVID-19 relief money since 2020 — a number that's continuing to increase. 

Most of that money has gone directly to state agencies for specific initiatives, but about $2.7 billion has come with fewer strings attached. Gov. Kim Reynolds has largely had free rein when it comes to spending it.

The money has come from two separate federal relief packages:

  • The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act that then-President Donald Trump signed in March 2020. It provided the state with $1.25 billion. Federal guidance allowed states to use those funds for pandemic-related expenses through the end of 2021. 
  • The American Rescue Plan Act, or ARPA, that President Joe Biden signed in March 2021. It gave Reynolds $1.48 billion in additional funding. She had obligated approximately $1.1 billion to various projects by the close of the fiscal year June 30. The guidance on American Rescue Plan Act spending has allowed for broad flexibility, and the state can use the funding for costs through the end of 2024. 

As Reynolds continues to divide up the federal money, here’s a look at the major ways she's been spending it so far. Another $378 million has gone to various projects, and a remaining $307 million has yet to be allocated.

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Gov. Kim Reynolds’ top use: Bolstering Iowa's unemployment trust fund 

Total: $728 million (27% of Iowa’s allocation) 

From CARES Act: $491 million

From ARPA: $237 million

Record unemployment claims due to COVID-19 dropped Iowa’s unemployment trust fund from about $1.2 billion at the end of February 2020 to about $735 million in late June

Since then, Reynolds has used more than a quarter of the federal COVID-19 funding available to her to bolster the trust fund the state uses to pay out benefits. The fund’s main financial source is typically a payroll tax on businesses that’s calculated based on how much money is in the fund.  

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Reynolds spent $491 million in CARES Act dollars on the fund. She spent another $237 million from the American Rescue Plan Act. Both moves helped keep businesses’ contribution rates at the next-to-lowest level, which ranges from 0 to 7.5%, according to the nonpartisan Legislative Services Agency

She followed up on Aug. 24 by announcing the tax on businesses would drop to the lowest possible level, meaning businesses would pay 25% less in taxes, on average. She touted “prudent investment” in the trust fund and the state’s “conservative fiscal practices” for the reduction.  

Business groups applauded the cut. Democrats said it showed Reynolds had likely overinvested in the fund. 

Aid to businesses, hospitals, nonprofits, county fairs

Total: $292 million (11% of Iowa's allocation)

From CARES Act: $222 million

From ARPA: $70 million

Reynolds used CARES Act funding for a variety of grant programs geared to small businesses and specific sectors of the economy, such as movie theaters, fitness centers and bowling alleys, as they battled the economic impact of pandemic closures. 

She also set up relief programs for hospitals, nonprofits and county fairs. 

She used nearly $129 million for a small business disaster assistance fund and another $5 million to help with their utilities, and $42 million for a relief program for hospitals. Another $13 million went to fitness centers, nearly $10 million went to nonprofits, $7 million to county fairs, $6.5 million to sports entertainment venues, $5 million to movie theaters and $2 million to bowling centers 

Broadband expansion 

Total: $245 million (9% of Iowa’s allocation)

CARES Act: $45 million

ARPA: $200 million

As the state continues to recover from a pandemic that forced Iowans to work, attend school and socialize remotely, Reynolds has used the federal funding to help boost  efforts to connect more Iowans to high-speed internet. 

In July 2020, she launched a grant program using CARES Act funds for broadband projects that handed out about $45 million. Then, before the passage of the American Rescue Plan, she called in her 2021 Condition of the State Address for Iowa to plant a “stake in the ground” by making a $450 million investment in state funding by 2025 that would connect every part of the state to high-speed broadband internet.

The Legislature eventually passed a law setting up the grant program. But it allocated only $100 million in state dollars to the program. Reynolds has used federal funding to fill out the state's investment, directing $200 million in ARPA dollars to broadband grants in January 2022.  

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Housing and rental assistance 

Total: $133 million (5% of Iowa's allocation)

From American Rescue Plan: $96 million

From CARES Act: $37 million

Before the pandemic, Iowa already had a shortage of affordable housing, and many Iowans already had trouble paying their rent. As people lost work during the pandemic, the need for housing assistance spiked. 

Using CARES Act funding, Iowa set up a rent and mortgage assistance program to help keep Iowans in their homes. The state's investment totaled $37 million. Congress since has approved separate rounds of rental assistance in December 2020 and as part of ARPA in 2021.  

Reynolds also has directed ARPA funding toward a variety of initiatives aimed at increasing access to affordable housing. Lawmakers in 2021 scaled back the state dollars in an affordable housing bill that Reynolds had proposed, saying they anticipated more federal funding.  

Aid to local Iowa governments 

Total: $115 million (4% of Iowa's allocation)

CARES Act: $115 million

Across Iowa, city and county finances have taken a hit as tourism and retail activity slowed due to the virus. Reynolds in August 2020 designated CARES Act funding to local governments to help them cover coronavirus-related costs, such as purchases of personal protective equipment, ventilators, testing kits and sanitizer, and expenses for establishing quarantine sites and providing emergency staffing.

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Tourism and marketing 

Total: $110 million (4% of Iowa's allocation) 

ARPA: $110 million

Pointing to a decline in tourism spending during the pandemic, Reynolds used $100 million in American Rescue Plan funding to assist projects that are geared toward attracting visitors to the state. One of the major recipients has been the Field of Dreams movie site.

She also allocated $10 million in ARPA funding toward various tourism marketing projects, including a promotional ad campaign that will go on cable television, social media and streaming services.

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Aid to agriculture and biofuels

Total: $107 million (4% of Iowa's allocation)

CARES Act: $107 million

Reynolds used nearly $100 million in CARES Act funding to assist Iowa farmers and producers of ethanol and biodiesel. 

More than $60 million went to the Iowa Livestock Producer Relief Fund, to aid Iowa farmers who suffered losses during COVID-19-related shutdowns and slowdowns at meatpacking plants. Another $14 million went to the Iowa Beginning Farmer Debt Relief Fund, which helped farmers under a certain net worth with debt payments up to $10,000. 

Reynolds also put $12 million toward supporting ethanol and biodiesel producers and directed nearly $7 million to retailers who modify their gas pumps so they can sell higher ethanol and biodiesel blends. 

Other funds assisted producers who had to destroy livestock when the supply chain couldn't accommodate them, as well as meat processing expansion and local produce programs. 

Water infrastructure projects  

Total: $100 million (4% of Iowa's allocation) 

ARPA: $100 million

Reynolds used $100 million of Iowa's ARPA funding on water infrastructure. Of that, $75 million went to a variety of projects for grants, including $11 million for water and sewer service at the Field of Dreams movie site and $15 million for the Iowa Confluence Water Trails project

The other $25 million is going to the Conservation Infrastructure Project at the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, a program created through a 2018 water quality law.

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Airport infrastructure projects  

Total: $100 million (4% of Iowa's allocation)

ARPA: $100 million

Reynolds spent $100 million in ARPA funding to infuse one-time funds to the state’s eight commercial airports. The funding will go toward capital projects such as terminals, parking garages and hangar space.  

Apprenticeship, internship and scholarship programs

Total: $75 million (3% of Iowa's allocation)

CARES Act: $21 million

ARPA: $54 million

Reynolds has used federal funding for several workforce-related programs that include internships, apprenticeships and scholarships.

The largest is the Teacher and Paraeducator Registered Apprenticeship program, which used nearly $46 million in ARPA funding to help school districts create apprenticeship training opportunities to help Iowans become paraeducators and gain teaching licenses. 

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Child care grant programs

Total: $41 million (2% of Iowa's allocation)

CARES Act: $8 million

ARPA: $33 million

Reynolds put $26.6 million toward a grant program for businesses that provide child care options to employees. 

She used another $6.7 million to boost a state grant program that funds projects to increase child care availability in the state. 

She also used $7.9 million in CARES Act funding to assist nonprofit organizations with child care costs.

(All amounts for the federal CARES Act are taken from reports by the nonpartisan Legislative Services Agency. Amounts for the American Rescue Plan are taken from a 2022 Department of Management report submitted to the federal government.)  

Ian Richardson covers the Iowa Statehouse for the Des Moines Register. Reach him at, at 515-284-8254, or on Twitter at @DMRIanR.