Veterans Home leader's departure, closure policy raise fears; Iowa says no plan to close home

Portrait of Francesca Block Francesca Block
Des Moines Register

The state has no intention of closing the Iowa Veterans Home, Gov. Kim Reynolds told its staff in a letter Monday after a facility closure plan circulated to employees raised alarms over the weekend.

Reynolds said facility employees "have the full support and gratitude of my office and of the state" in continuing to maintain care for its residents.

"I am deeply grateful to you for your service to our veterans and your sustained efforts to give them the best possible quality of life," she wrote in the letter provided to the Des Moines Register.

The letter comes after a facility closure plan was circulated to its employees the same week as the abrupt departure of Commandant Matthew Peterson, who had been overseeing the facility for just 13 months.

Penny Cutler-Bermudez, interim leader of the facility, told the Des Moines Register Monday that the document was created after the facility's compliance officers were notified that federal regulatory officials require all facilities to have a closure plan in place. 

Officials notify staff whenever there is a policy change, and in following that practice, the facility closure practice was sent to staff. 

"Some staff members notified our team that there was concern that there was a closure coming, so our compliance officer – on the day the policy went out – sent clarifying email to all staff, making sure they understood why it was sent," Cutler-Bermudez said. 

The compliance officers wrote the policy before the former Commandant Matthew Peterson abruptly resigned from his position Sept. 6, Cutler-Bermudez said. 

Peterson resigned from his position to move back to Texas, where his wife and two children lived, Cutler-Bermudez said. They were not planning to relocate to Iowa, and it had been "a long 13 months" commuting back and forth for the former official, she said.

"We respect his decision and respect what he accomplished in his time here," she said.

A facility closure document circulated to employees of the Iowa Veterans Home in early September raised doubts over the facility's future. The governor's office, however, denies there are any plans to close it down. 

The Iowa Veterans Home, located in Marshalltown, serves approximately 500 veterans and employs more than 900 staffers, according to the facility's website. As one of the largest state veterans' homes in the country, the facility provides housing and health care to aging veterans from across the state. 

The closure policy was circulated by interim director of the facility Penny Cutler-Bermudez, who recently took over the post following the abrupt resignation of Commandant Matthew Peterson the week of Sept. 6. The policy, which does not state that the facility will be closed, was signed and dated by Cutler-Bermudez on Sept. 7, and was effective as of Sept. 8, according to a copy of the document shared with the Register.

Alex Murphy, the spokesperson for Gov. Kim Reynolds' office, said Saturday that the policy is federally mandated and does not foreshadow the closure of the facility. 

"There is absolutely no plan whatsoever to close the Veterans Home," he said. 

Rick Eilander, the president for AFSCME 61, the union representing the employees of the facility, said the policy was issued to employees without any explanation, raising questions over the future of the facility and their jobs.

"Now the employees are scared," he said. "Nothing has been said to anybody about what's going on."

Eilander said the lack of transparency over the policy's circulation reminds him of the announcement earlier this year of the closure of the Glenwood Resource Center. 

“We are happy to hear Governor Reynolds state she has no plans to close this vital facility," said Eilander in a statement released after this article was initially published. "As the representative for the majority of employees working at the Iowa Veterans Home, it is our duty to seek answers when our members contact us after receiving documents entitled “facility closure” with no explanation, and the union not being provided anything at all.”

Iowa Veterans Home Commandant's abrupt resignation raises doubt about future

Murphy said the policy is in no way related to Peterson's departure, but Eilander said the timing is suspect.

Peterson served in the role for 13 months before unexpectedly resigning. He wrote a letter in the Times-Republican thanking his staff and the community of Marshalltown and apologizing for his sudden departure. 

"The list of employees and residents I will miss is simply too long, so I can only trust they know who they are, and what they mean to me. I also trust they understand and forgive a departure that must seem abrupt. They deserve better," he wrote. 

Peterson did not state why he suddenly left his post. He wrote in the letter about many of the "priceless lessons" he learned during his time as Commandant, including the lesson that "[p]eople who make permanent judgments based on temporary circumstances are impostors, they are weak, and they are not significant."

"I have learned that regardless of how much I love an institution, it is incapable of loving me in return," he wrote. 

Eilander said employees informed him that locks were changed in the facility following Peterson's departure. 

Murphy said he has no knowledge of what went on inside the facility regarding Peterson's departure, including whether or not the locks were changed. The Iowa Department of Administrative Services did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the circumstances of Peterson's resignation. 

Murphy said there is a nationwide search underway to fill the role. 

Peterson and the facility's interim director, Cutler-Bermudez, did not respond Saturday to requests for comment. 

Peterson not the first abrupt departure at Iowa Veterans Home

This is not the Iowa Veterans Home's first abrupt departure.

Peterson's predecessor, Commandant Timon Oujiri, was fired by Reynolds in May 2021. Two months later, the Reynolds Administration revealed Oujiri collected more than $105,000 in excess wages and benefits. Peterson was appointed to the role on July 27. 

Oujiri's legal team disputed the accusations, claiming Oujiri was not properly alerted to the changes in how his pay was calculated. 

According to a report issued by the state auditor's office, Oujiri acknowledged he knew about the overpayments and did nothing to resolve them. 

Francesca Block is a breaking news reporter at the Des Moines Register. Reach her at or on Twitter at @francescablock3.