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Letters: Bill protects criminal immigrants; Are we provoking a war in Iran?; more responses (5/8/19)

Dave Whamond,
Dave Whamond,

Bill protects criminal immigrants

Once again, we are being blindsided by our progressive state legislature. House Bill 1148 will change some misdemeanor crimes from 365 days or more to 364 days. This is being written not for the sake of justice but to protect immigrants who have committed crimes of some significance from being deported. Any immigrant who is in jail 365 days or longer is subject to automatic deportation. This will nullify the enforcement of this federal law. Any crime which places you in jail for a year or more is a significant crime, even if it is a misdemeanor. Are we just opening another can of immigration worms?

William F. Hineser, Arvada

Are we provoking a war in Iran?

Re: “U.S. cites ‘troubling’ threats in sending aircraft carrier to Mideast,” May 7 news story

As a Vietnam War veteran I see hauntingly familiar parallels between the Johnson/McNamara decision to send two destroyers to the Tonkin Gulf and the Trump/Bolton decision to send an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf.

In 1964 the North Vietnamese “attack” on the USS Maddox led to the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, which in turn led to the deaths of nearly 60,000 U.S. service members and untold millions of Vietnamese. Are we ready for another round of political constructs and deceit to justify a war against Iran?

Robert Wilcox, Denver

A civil tiny home village debate

Re: “Denver approves Beloved tiny-home village in Globeville,” May 1 news story

In April I was pleased to experience a wonderful City Council meeting. The issue that got me there was placing the Beloved Community Tiny Home Village in Globeville. While it took quite some time to get to the issue and then to listen to a long line of speakers, I was so impressed with the respect both council members and speakers had for everyone in the room. All were both passionate and compassionate. I would say that it was civil discourse at its best. Now that all of the words have been spoken it will be the job of Globeville neighbors, village residents, the Colorado Village Collaborative and the city to go about the work of being good neighbors and finding other sites all over the city to welcome tiny home villages as a small, reasonable way of housing homeless persons.

Anna M. Koop, Denver

DAM exhibit significant for its reach to communities of color

Re: “ ‘Returning the Gaze’: At DAM, a homecoming, a museum debut, a revelation,” Feb. 24

I want to commend the Denver Art Museum. It marked a milestone with the solo exhibition of Jordan Casteel’s “Returning the Gaze.”

At a time when museums are working to diversify and bring inclusion, it is heartwarming to see black images on white walls.

I think that this exhibit is having an enormous positive impact on the community of people of color. For young black children and families, coming to the museum and seeing imagery in the likeness of themselves is particularly remarkable.

As a retired African American art educator in a predominantly white school system, I had never forgotten when one of my elementary students came into my classroom and stated, “You look like me!”

Although the museum has had other exhibitions featuring people of color. “Returning the Gaze” is significant. In my opinion, the Denver Art Museum has highlighted its ability to understand how the role of museums is changing; engaging communities outside its membership develops mutual respect and much-needed dialogue with its community.

Arthurenia Hawkins, Thornton