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From now on, regional utility Tri-State will be subject to oversight from Colorado regulators

Regional rural electric provider must submit plans to Public Utilities Commission

This is the Craig Station Power ...
This is the Craig Station Power Plant in Craig, Colorado on June 10, 2015. In the background is coal that is brought in from the Colowyo and Trapper Mines in the area and used to power the plant. The plant is operated by Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association based in Westminster.
DENVER, CO - DECEMBER 12:  Judith Kohler - Staff portraits at the Denver Post studio.  (Photo by Eric Lutzens/The Denver Post)

Regional rural electric provider Tri-State, which has caught heat from members and renewable-energy advocates for its rates and reliance on coal, now will have to submit its plans to state regulators for approval.

A bill reauthorizing the Colorado Public Utilities Commission requires Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association to get the PUC’s approval for its resource plan, which details how a utility will meet the needs and future capacity of its system.

The PUC regulates Xcel Energy-Colorado, but has had an agreement with Tri-State, a wholesale supplier governed by its members, under which Tri-State shares its plan but doesn’t need approval.

However, as the costs of renewable energy have dropped and efforts to cut climate-changing carbon emissions have grown, calls have increased for the PUC to exercise more authority over Tri-State.

RELATED: Concern about costs, push for more renewables fuels utility’s possible exit from Tri-State

“When we have looked historically at the Tri-State system, it has not moved as quickly as our investor-owned utilities have toward clean energy and low-carbon power generation,” Will Toor, executive director of the Colorado Energy Office, said Monday.

The cost of wind and solar power has dropped dramatically, out competing coal and other fossil fuels. Some of Tri-State’s member electric  cooperatives have called for changes.

Toor said the PUC process will base decisions on the lowest cost while meeting new mandates to cut carbon dioxide emissions, and including Tri-State will move the state toward a “lower-cost, cleaner-energy” future.

“I think that (Tri-State CEO Duane Highley ) clearly understands the economic and environmental imperatives that utilities are now living under,” Toor said, “and is committed to moving Tri-State forward in a way that will work for their members for reducing emissions and will assure that they’re able to take advantage of the economic opportunities out there.”

The bill, passed May 3 and waiting for Gov. Jared Polis’ signature, directs the PUC to write rules for the review process that are appropriate for a utility like Tri-State. The Westminster-based utility serves 43 member electric cooperatives over 200,000 square miles and four states — Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico and Nebraska. It is a not-for-profit governed by an elected board.

“We appreciate the active engagement and understanding of Governor Polis and Colorado Energy Office Executive Director Toor, as well as the work of the legislative leadership, to ensure regulatory requirements support our vision and recognize the uniqueness of Tri-State’s cooperative model, the nature of our wholesale business and the values of our democratic self-governance,” Highley said in a statement.

In the past, Tri-State has questioned the PUC’s authority over its business. In 2009, the utility agreed to open up its planning process by sharing its resource plan with the PUC after the conservation group Western Resource Advocates raised the issue. The commission said it could exercise more authority over Tri-State, but didn’t at that point.

“What this legislation is intended to do is to make it clear to both Tri-State and the PUC that the legislature really does intend for the Tri-State resource plan to be subject to full PUC approval process,” Toor said.

The legislation will allow Colorado to pursue “more clean energy while creating opportunities to benefit communities, ratepayers, and our environment,” said Erin Overturf, Western Resource Advocates’ Clean Energy Program deputy director.

Already, nearly a third of Tri-State’s electricity comes from renewable energy sources, spokesman Lee Boughey said. At the end of 2018, 47 percent came from coal and 4 percent from natural gas.

Earlier this year, Tri-State announced it will  double the power it gets from solar energy with the 100-megawatt Spanish Peaks Solar Project north of Trinidad. It also plans to install a 100-megawatt wind farm in eastern Colorado, which will boost its total power from wind in Colorado to 471 megawatts.

Tri-State is also reducing its coal-generating capacity, Boughey said. The utility retired its capacity in a New Mexico coal plant and will retire more at different plants at the end of 2022 and by the end of 2025.

Legislation that sets deadlines for statewide reductions of carbon emissions provides further motivation. Under House Bill 19-1261, Tri-State will have to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions as the state tries to realize the goal of slashing emissions by 90 percent of 2005 levels by mid-century.

However, some Colorado cooperatives remain concerned about Tri-State’s progress. The Delta-Montrose Electric Association has asked the PUC to intervene in its attempt to get out of its contract with Tri-State. The cooperative has said the exit fee Tri-State wants is “unjust, unreasonable, and discriminatory.”

Delta-Montrose has said its rates have increased drastically in the last decade. It also wants to produce more power from local  renewable energy sources.

The Durango-based La Plata Electric Association is looking into whether the cooperative could buy power for less from other sources, said Guinn Unger. Figures from a consultant show the cooperative could save up to $20 million a year, said Unger, a La Plata board member who said he was just speaking for himself.

The cooperative also wants to generate more of its own energy. A bylaw has capped the amount cooperatives can produce on their own at 5 percent, requiring them to buy the rest from Tri-State.

Members approved a new bylaw in April to remove the cap. A committee will develop new guidelines.

Unger said La Plata will keep exploring other options for buying and producing more of its power while also determining if it can work with Tri-State on reducing rates and carbon emissions.

“I’m hopeful that Tri-State understands what people’s concerns are and is serious about moving to address those concerns,”  Unger said.

Originally Published: