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Three mountain lion cubs
Frank Adcock, Daily Camera
Three mountain lion cubs sit on a deck at a home in north Boulder in January.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife tranquilized and captured three mountain lion cubs Thursday night that officials said were getting too accustomed to humans.

The three cubs and their mother have been hanging around north Boulder since the beginning of the year, when a resident on Orange Lane captured a photo of all three on his porch.

Parks and Wildlife spokeswoman Jennifer Churchill said they have been tracking the animals for a while and rangers were concerned that the three cubs and their mother were getting a little too used to living in town.

“We definitely think they are way too comfortable being around people,” Churchill said. “They were highly visible, which is not good lion behavior. We want them hunting deer and elk.”

All three cubs are in good health. Churchill said rangers are still trying to find and catch mom, and then relocate all four to a new wildlife habitat away from humans.

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