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Jeff Neumann, The Denver Post; photos: Thinkstock by Getty Images

Re: April 16 Perspective section.

The front page of last Sunday’s Denver Post had a reference to “debating the future of legal marijuana.” A “debate” is generally understood as an equal presentation of opposing sides of an issue, so readers or listeners can hear information from all viewpoints to help them make up their minds. Not at The Post.

In the Perspective section, there were seven articles plus an editorial about Colorado’s marijuana “experiment.” Of these presentations, one analyzed the science of marijuana education, one opposed Colorado’s marijuana laws, and an overwhelming five articles, plus The Post’s editorial, supported the Colorado marijuana “experiment.”

This is an equal presentation of opposing viewpoints? Not hardly. Let me ask this: If there were five stories and an editorial supporting the Trump presidency, one analyzing the effects of what has occurred, and only one opposing Trump, would The Post think that was a balanced presentation? Of course not.

James S. Russell, Englewood

Re: “Has marijuana legalization been a success in Colorado?” April 14 letters to the editor.

I enjoyed reading all the published letters about the virtues and evils (supposed) of cannabis. What is missing from these letters and several opinion pieces you published is the fact that many, many “recreational” users are actually using marijuana for pain control. The reason? Their doctors will not prescribe it, so it is not possible to get with a “medical discount,” which can be substantial. So these people can only buy as “recreational” users, and I’d bet their percentage is formidable.

There is also an edible product on the market that is a 50/50 combination of THC and CBD, which is great for pain management without the “high.” If you are not familiar with CBD, there is a lot of internet information about it. CBD has great potential for use in many diseases without the dangerous effects of opiates. Isn’t it time to actually look at the facts, results and benefits of marijuana for pain management and displace the stigma currently attached to its use by people who are suffering?

Rosetta Rogers, Aurora

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