RCSD teacher accused of making Black students pick cotton sues parents, Rochester nonprofit

Portrait of Gary Craig Gary Craig
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle

The Rochester City School District teacher accused of having Black students pick cotton in a history lesson says in a lawsuit that the lesson has been misrepresented and he is the victim of a social media campaign of "inflammatory and untrue statements."

In the lawsuit, Patrick Rausch, who is white, acknowledged that he had brought cotton to his seventh-grade social studies class as part of a history lesson about Eli Whitney and the cotton gin but contends that the allegations about what happened in the classroom — claims that became a national news story — are untrue. He alleges that he brought a bag of unprocessed cotton into the classroom to show how difficult it was to pick seeds out by hand.

"Rausch made it clear that he was not requiring the students to touch the cotton and remove the seeds, and that it was completely voluntary for them to do so," the lawsuit states. "The students — both black and white — were eager to touch the cotton and try to remove the seeds from the cotton, and most chose to do so.

"Rausch was careful to explain to the students that he understood that some people may not be comfortable touching the cotton or picking the seeds out because such work is historically associated with slavery, that he in no way was trying to make them feel like slaves, and that participation was entirely voluntary," the suit reads.

A cotton boll that Precious Tross said her daughter, Ja'Nasia Brown, and her classmates were made to pick seeds from during a social studies class at School of the Arts in Rochester. The teacher has now brought a lawsuit against parents and Save Rochester Inc., an area nonprofit.

Rausch is suing a local social justice organization, Save Rochester Inc., and two parents who made claims on social media and in media interviews about the lessons. He also alleges in the lawsuit that other claims about him from the parents and the organization — allegations, for instance, that he had a Black student put on handcuffs and shackles in class — are untrue.

He maintains in the lawsuit that Save Rochester and the parents have made it appear that he forced Black students to pick cotton as part of what has been portrayed as a racist lesson.

Rausch is represented by local attorney Jeffrey Wicks, who declined to comment and said Rausch would not comment.

Rausch has been has "been placed on administrative leave, is directed to remain off of school property, and not to have any contact with faculty, staff or administration," according to the lawsuit.

Background:Rochester teacher on leave after allegedly making Black students pick cotton

'I am horrified':RCSD teachers placed on leave after offensive text messages uncovered

The parents sued by Rausch, Vialma Ramos-O'Neal and Precious Morris, said Tuesday that they could not immediately comment. 

"While I have been advised to issue 'no comment' at this time, my heart certainly aches for the children impacted by what they perceive to be flagrant acts of racism and hateful manipulation," said Michael Johnson, executive director of Save Rochester Inc., in a statement.

Rashad Smith, a local publicist and per diem City School District teacher who has worked closely with School of the Arts parents, said Rausch's actions, even as described in the lawsuit, were improper.

To ask students to even consider picking cotton is too much of a harsh reminder of the legacy of slavery, Smith said. 

"As an educator it is critically important for him (Rausch) to understand the decisions he makes and how it impacts all students, particularly Black students," said Smith, who said he was a student of Rausch at East High School and later taught as a per diem instructor at the same city school as Rausch.

Rausch's lawsuit alleges that the cotton incident was simply one part of what became a media campaign of falsehoods against him. Among the false claims spread by parents and Save Rochester on social media and at a public meeting, the lawsuit alleges are:

• That in a lesson Rausch referred to himself as "Massah."

• That he had been fired from three different schools "for being racist." 

• That Rausch had a Black student put on handcuffs and said "Free yourself, boy."

Contact Gary Craig at gcraig@gannett.com. Follow him on Twitter at gcraig1