Dancing, hearts and hugs at Irondequoit High School graduation: See the 50 photos

Marissa Bell hugs Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin as she is presented with her diploma at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Marissa Bell hugs Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin as she is presented with her diploma at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Donovan Robinson waves as he crosses the stage at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Donovan Robinson waves as he crosses the stage at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Christopher Nicchitta receives his diploma from Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Christopher Nicchitta receives his diploma from Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Amari Strong celebrates as she crosses the stage to receive her diploma at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Amari Strong celebrates as she crosses the stage to receive her diploma at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Chloe Erne makes a heart with her hands as she walks across the stage to receive her diploma at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Chloe Erne makes a heart with her hands as she walks across the stage to receive her diploma at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Elijah Harrell hugs Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin as he is presented with his diploma at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Elijah Harrell hugs Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin as he is presented with his diploma at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Aaron Ensign takes a selfie with his diploma as he walks off the stage at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Aaron Ensign takes a selfie with his diploma as he walks off the stage at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Alexander Bergan hugs Superintendent Dr. Aaron Johnson after getting his diploma at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Alexander Bergan hugs Superintendent Dr. Aaron Johnson after getting his diploma at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Mary Cafarella raises her diploma in the air in celebration at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Mary Cafarella raises her diploma in the air in celebration at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Luis Hernandez waves to family as he walks across the stage at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Luis Hernandez waves to family as he walks across the stage at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Isaiah Mercado hugs Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin as he is presented with his diploma at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Isaiah Mercado hugs Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin as he is presented with his diploma at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Jayden McBride waves to family as he takes the stage at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Jayden McBride waves to family as he takes the stage at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Jae Kinzel celebrates as she crosses the stage at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Jae Kinzel celebrates as she crosses the stage at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Kembo Luzolo dances his way across the stage at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Kembo Luzolo dances his way across the stage at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Maxamillian Santiago waves to family as he crosses the stage at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Maxamillian Santiago waves to family as he crosses the stage at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Heidi Zeller dances across the stage to get her diploma at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Heidi Zeller dances across the stage to get her diploma at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Graduates move their tassels from the right to the left signifying their graduation at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Graduates move their tassels from the right to the left signifying their graduation at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at Gordon Field House at RIT.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
The Class of 2024 toss their caps into the air at the end of the ceremony.
The Class of 2024 toss their caps into the air at the end of the ceremony.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
The Class of 2024 enter the arena during the opening processional at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement.
The Class of 2024 enter the arena during the opening processional at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Brianna Wickline (right) stops to hug art teacher Sue Jacobs as she joins her classmates in the opening processional into the arena.
Brianna Wickline (right) stops to hug art teacher Sue Jacobs as she joins her classmates in the opening processional into the arena.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Delainey Piano gets a big hug from her mother, Rachelle Corom, as she and her classmates spread out on the lawns surrounding Gordon Field House following Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at RIT.
Delainey Piano gets a big hug from her mother, Rachelle Corom, as she and her classmates spread out on the lawns surrounding Gordon Field House following Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement Sunday, June 23, 2024 at RIT.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Graduates hug family and friends as they meet on the lawns outside the arena after the ceremony.
Graduates hug family and friends as they meet on the lawns outside the arena after the ceremony.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
The IHS Chorale Seniors, directed by Kristin Graham, perform at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement.
The IHS Chorale Seniors, directed by Kristin Graham, perform at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Members of the IHS Chorale Seniors have a group hug after performing for the last time together at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement.
Members of the IHS Chorale Seniors have a group hug after performing for the last time together at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Graduates hug outside the arena.
Graduates hug outside the arena.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Chloe Erne gives a peace sign as she joins with her class in the recessional.
Chloe Erne gives a peace sign as she joins with her class in the recessional.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Jonathan Williams celebrates with his diploma as he leaves the stage.
Jonathan Williams celebrates with his diploma as he leaves the stage.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Graduates hug family and friends as they meet on the lawns outside the arena.
Graduates hug family and friends as they meet on the lawns outside the arena.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Graduates hug family and friends as they meet on the lawns outside the ceremony.
Graduates hug family and friends as they meet on the lawns outside the ceremony.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
The audience stands and takes photos as during the opening processional.
The audience stands and takes photos as during the opening processional.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Superintendent Dr. Aaron Johnson gives his remarks to the Class of 2024.
Superintendent Dr. Aaron Johnson gives his remarks to the Class of 2024.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Kayla Jean-Jacques gives her commencement address.
Kayla Jean-Jacques gives her commencement address.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
The audience stands and takes photos during the processional.
The audience stands and takes photos during the processional.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Ryaheen Mohamed gives her keynote address.
Ryaheen Mohamed gives her keynote address.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Eric Hickey gives the Faculty Commencement Address.
Eric Hickey gives the Faculty Commencement Address.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Ryan Moynihan receives his diploma from Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin.
Ryan Moynihan receives his diploma from Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Christian Zeitvogel receives his diploma from Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin.
Christian Zeitvogel receives his diploma from Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Ava Zani receives her diploma from Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin.
Ava Zani receives her diploma from Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Mercedes Ruiz receives her diploma from Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement.
Mercedes Ruiz receives her diploma from Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Allison Austin receives her diploma from Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin.
Allison Austin receives her diploma from Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Macda Baraki receives her diploma from Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin.
Macda Baraki receives her diploma from Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Hannah Barber poses for a photo as she receives her diploma from Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin.
Hannah Barber poses for a photo as she receives her diploma from Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Billy Barnes shares a laugh with Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin as he receives his diploma.
Billy Barnes shares a laugh with Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin as he receives his diploma.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Tayah Best receives her diploma from Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin.
Tayah Best receives her diploma from Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Kaylee Brooks poses for a photo as she receives her diploma from Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin as classmate Zoe Briggs leaves the stage ahead of her.
Kaylee Brooks poses for a photo as she receives her diploma from Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin as classmate Zoe Briggs leaves the stage ahead of her.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Kayla Heister receives her diploma from Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin.
Kayla Heister receives her diploma from Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Heidi Zeller celebrates with her diploma as she leaves the stage.
Heidi Zeller celebrates with her diploma as she leaves the stage.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Vincent Jiang hugs Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin as he is presented with his diploma.
Vincent Jiang hugs Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin as he is presented with his diploma.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
DeVonn Johnson receives his diploma from Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin.
DeVonn Johnson receives his diploma from Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Ryaheen Mohamed hugs Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin as she is presented with her diploma at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement.
Ryaheen Mohamed hugs Principal Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin as she is presented with her diploma at Irondequoit High School's 101st Commencement.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle