Cheers and hugs at Victor High School graduation: See the photos of the celebration

Sean Garcia Perez points at family and friends as he is introduced with the graduates as they are presented with their diplomas at the Victor Senior High School graduation ceremony at Innovative Field in Rochester Friday, June 21, 2024.
Sean Garcia Perez points at family and friends as he is introduced with the graduates as they are presented with their diplomas at the Victor Senior High School graduation ceremony at Innovative Field in Rochester Friday, June 21, 2024.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Members of the Class of 2024 move their tassel from right to left marking their graduation.
Members of the Class of 2024 move their tassel from right to left marking their graduation.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Christopher Donnelly hugs family members and friends before the Victor Senior High School graduation ceremony.
Christopher Donnelly hugs family members and friends before the Victor Senior High School graduation ceremony.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Class president Leah Buddendeck gives her address at the Victor Senior High School graduation ceremony.
Class president Leah Buddendeck gives her address at the Victor Senior High School graduation ceremony.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Audience members yell their support as senior Kayleigh-Ann Bristow gives her address.
Audience members yell their support as senior Kayleigh-Ann Bristow gives her address.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Class speaker Kayleigh-Ann Bristow gives her address during the Victor Senior High School graduation ceremony.
Class speaker Kayleigh-Ann Bristow gives her address during the Victor Senior High School graduation ceremony.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Soraya Hammer, right, hugs assistant principal Jennifer Grimes as she is awarded the 2024 Norma Olney Outstanding Senior Student Award.
Soraya Hammer, right, hugs assistant principal Jennifer Grimes as she is awarded the 2024 Norma Olney Outstanding Senior Student Award.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Sean Garcia Perez , right, shakes hands with assistant principal Keith Pedzich as he is awarded the 2024 Walter B. Henehan Outstanding Senior Student Award.
Sean Garcia Perez , right, shakes hands with assistant principal Keith Pedzich as he is awarded the 2024 Walter B. Henehan Outstanding Senior Student Award.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Family members cheer as the Class of 2024 walk onto the field.
Family members cheer as the Class of 2024 walk onto the field.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
People in the audience hold up signs to be seen on the giant video scoreboard.
People in the audience hold up signs to be seen on the giant video scoreboard.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
People take photos as the Class of 2024 walk to the field in the opening procession.
People take photos as the Class of 2024 walk to the field in the opening procession.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Family members yell for their loved one at the Victor Senior High School graduation ceremony.
Family members yell for their loved one at the Victor Senior High School graduation ceremony.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Melanie Squirrell, center, hugs friends Snow Li and Sarah Reifsnyder before the Victor Senior High School graduation ceremony.
Melanie Squirrell, center, hugs friends Snow Li and Sarah Reifsnyder before the Victor Senior High School graduation ceremony.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Carson Hamann with 2024 glasses before the Victor Senior High School graduation ceremony.
Carson Hamann with 2024 glasses before the Victor Senior High School graduation ceremony.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Family members yell out as the Class of 2024 walk onto the field.
Family members yell out as the Class of 2024 walk onto the field.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
People take photos during the processional.
People take photos during the processional.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
The Victor Senior Choir perform the National Anthem.
The Victor Senior Choir perform the National Anthem.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
The Victor Senior High Orchestra perform music from La La Land during the Victor Senior High School graduation ceremony.
The Victor Senior High Orchestra perform music from La La Land during the Victor Senior High School graduation ceremony.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
The Victor Senior High Orchestra, under the direction of Gretchen Judge, perform music from La La Land.
The Victor Senior High Orchestra, under the direction of Gretchen Judge, perform music from La La Land.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
The Victor Senior High Orchestra perform music from La La Land.
The Victor Senior High Orchestra perform music from La La Land.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
The Victor Senior High Orchestra perform music from La La Land.
The Victor Senior High Orchestra perform music from La La Land.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Brian Siesta, Senior High School Principal, gives his remarks to the Class of 2024.
Brian Siesta, Senior High School Principal, gives his remarks to the Class of 2024.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Class speaker Connor Doran gives his address.
Class speaker Connor Doran gives his address.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Kristen Cieslinski takes a photo of her son, Justin Cieslinksi, as he poses with a big group of his classmates and friends before the Victor Senior High School graduation ceremony.
Kristen Cieslinski takes a photo of her son, Justin Cieslinksi, as he poses with a big group of his classmates and friends before the Victor Senior High School graduation ceremony.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Students sport all kinds of messages on their caps.
Students sport all kinds of messages on their caps.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Class president Leah Buddendeck leads students to the field during the opening processional.
Class president Leah Buddendeck leads students to the field during the opening processional.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Students are all smiles as they spot family members while they make their way to the field during the opening processional.
Students are all smiles as they spot family members while they make their way to the field during the opening processional.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
The Victor Senior Choir, under the direction of Kristin Mellema, perform the National Anthem.
The Victor Senior Choir, under the direction of Kristin Mellema, perform the National Anthem.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Ivy Wilcox steadies her cap as she is introduced with the graduates.
Ivy Wilcox steadies her cap as she is introduced with the graduates.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Alisha Turner dances as she is introduced with the graduates.
Alisha Turner dances as she is introduced with the graduates.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Sophia Nguyen is introduced with the graduates as they are presented with their diplomas.
Sophia Nguyen is introduced with the graduates as they are presented with their diplomas.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Adiel Torres Irizarry waves to family as he is introduced with the graduates as they are presented with their diplomas.
Adiel Torres Irizarry waves to family as he is introduced with the graduates as they are presented with their diplomas.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Melanie Squirrell is presented with her diploma.
Melanie Squirrell is presented with her diploma.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
A family stands and cheers as their loved one is presented with their diploma.
A family stands and cheers as their loved one is presented with their diploma.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Paxton Mehigan is introduced with the graduates as they are presented with their diplomas.
Paxton Mehigan is introduced with the graduates as they are presented with their diplomas.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Family and friends take photos from the front rows.
Family and friends take photos from the front rows.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Tianna McPhee reacts as she is introduced with the graduates.
Tianna McPhee reacts as she is introduced with the graduates.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
A family stands and cheers as their loved one is presented with their diploma.
A family stands and cheers as their loved one is presented with their diploma.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Devin Livingston is presented with her diploma.
Devin Livingston is presented with her diploma.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
A family stands and cheers as their loved one is presented with their diploma.
A family stands and cheers as their loved one is presented with their diploma.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Jack Doran stops to put his shoe back on after it slipped off.
Jack Doran stops to put his shoe back on after it slipped off.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Flynn Braithwaite is introduced with the graduates as they are presented with their diplomas.
Flynn Braithwaite is introduced with the graduates as they are presented with their diplomas.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Hayden Colf is introduced with the graduates.
Hayden Colf is introduced with the graduates.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Deirdra Baxtron break into a giant smile as she is introduced with the graduates.
Deirdra Baxtron break into a giant smile as she is introduced with the graduates.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Justin Cieslinski shakes hands with Brian Siesta, Senior High School Principal, as he is presented with his diploma.
Justin Cieslinski shakes hands with Brian Siesta, Senior High School Principal, as he is presented with his diploma.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Elizabeth Boland break into a giant smile as she is introduced with the graduates.
Elizabeth Boland break into a giant smile as she is introduced with the graduates.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Family members yell out as the Class of 2024 walk onto the field during the processional.
Family members yell out as the Class of 2024 walk onto the field during the processional.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Timothy Doan is introduced with the graduates as they are presented with their diplomas.
Timothy Doan is introduced with the graduates as they are presented with their diplomas.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Christopher Donnelly kids with Brian Siesta, Senior High School Principal, as he is presented with his diploma.
Christopher Donnelly kids with Brian Siesta, Senior High School Principal, as he is presented with his diploma.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle
Sophie Schreck break into a big smile as she is introduced with the graduates as they are presented with their diplomas.
Sophie Schreck break into a big smile as she is introduced with the graduates as they are presented with their diplomas.
Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat And Chronicle