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Louise Grosjean

The Dazed general election survey results are in

Over 1,000 young people responded to our survey on the state of British politics – see the results here

Last month, we called on our readers to take part in our new election survey to paint a picture of how young people up and down the country are feeling about the upcoming election. Over 1,000 young people responded to our call, and now the results are in.

Our poll found that despite reports of widespread apathy and disillusionment, 94 per cent of respondents will be voting in the upcoming election.

According to our survey, vast majority of young people support progressive parties, with the Green Party emerging as the most popular option with 41 per cent of respondents expressing their intention to vote Green on Thursday. 32 per cent support Labour, while 6 per cent support the Liberal Democrats.

Interestingly, 3 per cent said they intended to vote Reform – a higher proportion than those who planned to vote Conservative (2 per cent).

11 per cent stated that they were still unsure about how they would vote.

31 per cent of young people cited ‘social care, health, and integration’ as the issue that matters most to them. ‘Climate, environment, and waste’ emerged as the second most pressing issue (17 per cent), while ‘housing and planning’ came in third (13 per cent).

When asked ‘are there any political issues that are a dealbreaker for you?’, the top responses were NHS, tax, immigration, the environment, foreign affairs and the war on Gaza.

In terms of where young people get their politics news, it should come as no surprise that social media platforms Instagram and Twitter were the top two most popular sources, used by 13 per cent and 10 per cent of respondents respectively. 7 per cent got their news from podcasts, while just 4 per cent use TikTok.

Many expressed a lack of faith in the voting system: “We need to abolish first-past-the-post; it’s truly embarrassing that it’s a political system that we still abide by,” one respondent wrote.

Out of all respondents, 60 per cent lived in London and the South-east. This was followed by 8.9 per cent from the North-west; 7.8 per cent from the Midlands; 6.2 per cent from the South-west; 4.6 per cent from Yorkshire; 4.4 per cent from Scotland; 3.4 per cent from the East Midlands; 2 per cent from the North-east; 1.2 per cent from Wales, and 1.2 per cent from Northern Ireland. 62.8 per cent of people who took the survey identified as female, 27.9 per cent as male; 5.7 per cent as non-binary; and 1.6 per cent as other. 

The survey was conducted by the Dazed Institute For Cultural Research, a new research vertical from Dazed that brings together unique cultural minds with a highly influential global audience of 20 million, preparing brands for what’s next.

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