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Ranking campaign videos from the UK’s first TikTok election

From Suella Braverman asking us if we want to go to the Four Seasons Orlando to Dawn Butler rapping, we’ve ranked TikTok election videos from cringe to most cringe

It’s difficult not to feel apathetic about the upcoming general election on July 4. While we all like to joke that the UK is a sad little island filled with sad little people, it’s true. The 2024 Global Mind Project found that British people are some of the unhappiest people on the planet, as the UK is ranked the second most miserable country in the world (not helped by the cost of living crisis, the housing crisis, stagnant pay and the fact that our government is funding a genocide). Our country’s two main political parties do not offer anything radically different to transform our way of living, either. While we luckily have some exciting independent candidates standing this year, reminding us to be hopeful, it can be difficult not to feel depressed at the current state of our political system. 

But one thing that has brought me some joy this election season is all the TikTok videos. Haven’t you heard? We are currently in the midst of our first-ever TikTok election, with each party desperately attempting to garner the attention of the youth by making memes and literal fan cams of the candidates. Each video is more deranged than the last, giving off DIY student union election video vibes. No budgets, just pure desperation. It’s sad, but it’s also hilarious. After everything we’ve been through, don’t we deserve a bit of laughter? 

Here’s our ranking of TikTok campaign videos from cringe to most cringe.