Payroll Project: Dayton’s highest paid employees in 2023

The city of Dayton paid 352 employees more than $100,000 last year, according to the Dayton Daily News Payroll Project.

The departments with the most six-figure pay were the fire and police departments, where command staff often make more than $100,000 and lower ranking officers and firefighters reach that amount with overtime totaling tens of thousands of dollars.

The highest paid city employes last year were not paid overtime. They were:

1. Shelley Dickstein, city manager: $271,672

2. Joseph Parlette, deputy city manager: $192,902

3. Clielie Lofton, deputy city manager: $192,819

4. Kamran Afzal, police chief: $182,801

5. Barbara Doseck, law director: $180,514

6. Kenneth Couch, human resources director: $177,863

7. Frederick Stovall, public works director: $177,338

8. Gilbert Turner, airport director: $177,329

9. Eric Henderson, deputy police chief: $161,029

10. Jeffrey Lykins, fire chief: $173,014

The employer for government agencies is the voting and taxpaying public. As with any other employer, the public has not just a right but a responsibility to know how much its employees are paid in the interest of good stewardship.

Go here for a searchable database of public employee pay for local governments.

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