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Biden stumbles, Trump deflects in debate focused on the past, not America’s future

The performances were not likely to satisfy Americans concerned about their choices for president.

The first debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump could change the landscape of the presidential race.

According to news accounts, some Democrats are worried Biden’s erratic performance leaves them at risk of losing the White House and down-ballot races across the country.

That comes as Trump’s critics, including some Republicans and independents, say he spent much of the debate deflecting questions and retreating to talking points, though it was clear he commanded the stage.


Neither candidate offered a vision for the future, and Americans concerned about their choices for president were likely not mollified by the debate.

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Aaron Kall, director of debate at the University of Michigan and co-author of the book Debating the Donald, said Biden, 81, has had to deal with issues about his age and mental fitness for much of the election season. Thursday night’s debate was a chance to calm concerns that Biden is too old for the campaign, if not the job of president. Trump is 78.

“President Biden came in and failed the test,” Kall said. “He put the issue on the backburner during a pretty solid State of the Union address, where he was so high energy. That person was unrecognizable tonight.”


Kall said Trump won the debate but probably didn’t attract many independents or Democrats looking to abandon Biden.

“It’s not like he attracted a lot of new voters or appealed to moderates and independents,” Kall said. “He did attract some people who have questions about fitness and age and are concerned about Biden’s performance.”

Much of the early debate analysis comes from pundits and commentators, and their views are often not in concert with American voters. The final analysis of the performances of Trump and Biden will occur in the months leading up to the November election, with another debate scheduled for September.


Here are three takeaways from the debate.

Biden stumbles with message, delivery

With a hoarse voice and inconsistent delivery, Biden — particularly early — frequently lost his train of thought, mumbled his words and found it difficult to get his message across.

After a question about Trump-era tax cuts, Biden’s answer drifted. At one point, he paused and lost his train of thought.

“Every single, solitary person eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the uh, with the COVID, excuse me, with um, dealing with everything we have to do with, uh, look, we finally beat Medicare,” Biden said.

During a question on abortion medication, Biden rebutted Trump by defending Roe vs. Wade and decrying strict anti-abortion laws passed by states like Georgia, which has a six-week ban.

Then Biden veered into Trump going to the funeral of a young woman murdered by an immigrant. In the same sentence, he said, “There’s a lot of young women to be raped by their in-laws, by their spouses, brothers and sisters.”

Biden had better moments, like when he criticized Trump’s legal problems and told him: “You have the morals of an alley cat.”


On substance, Biden was fine, but he seemed to struggle to get his message across and often let Trump off the hook. He tried to pounce on the Jan. 6 riot but failed to challenge Trump on some of his answers. With moderators not following up on most questions, it was left to Biden to counter Trump’s statements. He wasn’t always up to the challenge.

Biden’s struggles to get his point across largely defined the debate and could be a topic of discussion leading up to the Democratic National Convention this August in Chicago, where Biden has the delegates needed to be nominated for reelection.

Down-ballot candidates in competitive elections need Biden to perform well to improve their chances of winning. If Biden struggles at the top of the ticket, it could be difficult for other Democrats on the ticket to do well.

In Texas, U.S. Rep. Colin Allred, D-Dallas, is challenging Republican Sen. Ted Cruz. A Texas Democrat hasn’t won a statewide race since 1994, and the party needs Biden to be competitive against Trump to overcome Cruz.


Some Democrats did not express deep concern about Biden’s performance, saying voters can see the contrast.

“Yes, there was a slow start, but there was a strong finish,” said Vice President Kamala Harris on CNN.

Trump misrepresented some issues but commanded the stage

Voters saw a Trump they were familiar with, though he was somewhat more disciplined than in previous efforts. Unlike his first 2020 debate with Biden, Trump stuck to talking points like border security, the economy and energy independence.


He dodged or didn’t answer questions, including on topics like the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

After a question about Jan. 6, Trump said on that day, “We had a great border,” were “energy independent,” had the “lowest taxes ever” and were “respected all over the world.”

“And then he comes in and we’re now laughed at, we’re like a bunch of stupid people,” Trump added. “What happened to the United States’ reputation under this man’s leadership is horrible.”

When he answered the question, he said he didn’t cause the riot and told people to protest the certification of the 2020 election “peacefully and patriotically.”


Trump added, without evidence, that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., turned down his offer of 10,000 National Guard troops to prevent the events of Jan. 6.

Biden later retorted that Trump is a “whiner.”

“Something snapped in you when you lost last time,” Biden said.

When asked if he would accept the 2024 election results, Trump retreated to talking points about making America great again, saying Biden was driving the nation closer to World War III.


He finally answered: “If it’s a fair and legal and good election, absolutely.”

By then Trump had spent minutes attacking Biden on foreign policy.

On a question about slowing climate change, Trump launched into his record on criminal justice reform and blasted Biden for allowing millions of people to cross the border and take jobs from Black residents.

He said that during his term, “I had the best environmental numbers ever.”


“I don’t know where the hell he’s been,” Biden responded. “The idea that anything he said is true. I passed the most extensive climate change legislation in history.”

Biden immediately changed the topic, saying he gave $50 billion to historic Black colleges and universities, before circling back to climate change.

Trump also falsely said some Democratic states allow killing babies after birth and that even Democrats wanted Roe vs. Wade overturned, leaving the question of abortion to the states. Trump also said food prices have quadrupled under Biden.

Biden also had false statements, including that the border now has fewer crossings than when Trump was in office and that the Border Patrol Union had endorsed him.


Trump came out ahead, and his base is thrilled with his performance. Still, any growth he gained with independents and some Democrats is likely due to Biden’s poor performance.

Very little about second-term agendas

Most of the debate centered around the candidates’ terms as president.

They called each other failed presidents, defended their time in office and zinged each other with insults.


Largely missing was a vision for a second term.

Trump promised to secure the border, end the war in Ukraine and stop the weaponization of the criminal justice system. Biden pledged to protect and restore reproductive rights, stand with the nation’s allies abroad and tax the wealthy to curb the nation’s debt and improve services.

Few details were offered beyond routine talking points. Where do they want to take America? How will they bring Americans together? None of that was discussed with any depth.

Near the end of the debate, Biden and Trump sparred over their golf games.


“I’d be happy to have a driving contest with him,” Biden said before bragging that he got his handicap down to a 6 when he was vice president. “By the way, I told you before, I’m happy to play golf if you carry your own bag. You think you can do it?”

“That’s the biggest lie, that he’s a 6 handicap, of all,” Trump said. “I’ve seen your swing. I know your swing.”

The debate didn’t offer voters a fresh look at the candidates or the issues.

“The debate was a redux of some previous arguments and grievances that existed,” said Kall, the political scientist from the battleground state of Michigan. “The fact that any amount of time was spent in a presidential debate on golf handicaps is comical. You want the focus to be on an optimistic vision, kind of like Ronald Reagan’s shining city on a hill. This one was more about petty politics.”