Bikini season is fast approaching.

But if you're feeling reluctant about slipping into your swimwear, we have just the pep talk for you. Spencer Barbosa shared the message in a recent YouTube video.

The 21-year-old, from Canada, wants people to stop fretting about what they look like. Instead, she urged them to start living their lives.

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In the empowering message, she said: "On average, we get 75 summers. That's it – 75 – and I have already lived 20 of them.

"I would hate to spend 50 of my summers hiding my body and feeling s*** about myself just to realise by the 51st summer that it's just a body."

The body positivity campaigner continued: "It is so easy to be so negative and picky about what your body looks like (because society literally taught us to hate ourselves).

"But I wanna break that cycle. I will be the first person to admin I'm not perfect – but then again, what is perfection?

"Personally, I don't think there's such a thing as the 'perfect' body. I have grown to learn that my perfect body is the one that I have.

"No matter how much I wish it away, no matter much I hate it, it's the only body I have. So I'm just gonna become her biggest fan."

Spencer's clip has garnered more than 24,000 likes – and many appreciated her for promoting self love.

One fan responded: "As a teenage girl, who has for the longest time felt insecure in my body, hearing all of your positive content has really helped me overcome some of those insecurities. thank you so much for this."

Another commenter said: "I LOVE YOU SPENCER you taught me to love myself when I thought I was never enough I think we can all agree that she has brought out the best of us!"

And a third added: "You’re the reason I’m no longer comparing myself to others. Thank you so much."