In the UK, there's a whole heap of rules to keep drivers and their passengers safe and sound on the roads. It's crucial for drivers to stay clued up on all the vital regulations to ensure everyone's safety.

But there are undoubtedly some rules that might slip through the cracks and get drivers in a pickle.

Forget or ignore these rules, and you could be coughing up some hefty fines. Zego Car Insurance has flagged up several particular rule that could see drivers paying out big sums if they're broken.

One Highway Code rule states that everyone in a car must wear a seat belt unless they satisfy an exemption.

The Highway Code lays down the law: "You MUST wear a seat belt in cars, vans and other goods vehicles if one is fitted. Adults, and children aged 14 years and over, MUST use a seat belt or child restraint, where fitted, when seated in minibuses, buses and coaches."

Labrador retriever dogs in the car trunk.
Drivers are also encouraged to make sure their pets are safe and secure in the car (stock)

It goes on: "Exemptions are allowed for the holders of medical exemption certificates and those making deliveries or collections in goods vehicles when travelling less than 50 metres (approx 162 feet)."

Another rule that could land drivers in hot water is getting distracted by screens, with phones and tablets being major culprits. Plus, if you're nabbed using your phone behind the wheel, you're looking at a £200 fine and six points on your licence.

You might think you're being helpful by giving a friendly wave to a pedestrian, but insurance experts at Zego warned the driver could be held accountable in the event of an incident.

But it's not just your own actions behind the wheel that could see you copping fines or points. Rowdy passengers hurling verbal abuse or making obscene gestures could also see you slapped with a hefty £1,000 fine or penalty points on your licence.

Backseat passengers could also cause chaos; any distraction they provide could lead to disaster on the road. This includes unruly kids or pets which always need to be secured.

James Granton, a top expert, has issued some advice for all drivers: "Make it a rule for passengers to stay calm and collected and always keep seat belts fastened. As a driver, remember it's not just about how you drive but also about ensuring everyone in the car complies with the rules. Stay informed and vigilant."