A woman stripped down to her bikini to demonstrate that the parts of ourselves we often dislike are "just girlie things".

Karina Irby, a well-known advocate for body positivity online, is loved by many for her authenticity when it comes to body image. The bikini model and designer, who also serves as the CEO of Moana Swim, uses her Instagram platform to remind people that everyone has so-called "imperfections".

She recently donned a multi-coloured bikini to proudly display her body in a candid video. In the footage, she highlighted the natural aspects of our bodies that contribute to us "being a girl", acknowledging that we all have areas we don't consider to be "perfect".

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These include cellulite, "squishy tummies", bloating and cramps, "jiggly thighs" and rolls. Despite these not always being favoured features, Karina emphasises the importance of embracing these parts of ourselves.

She showcases her body to inspire other women to accept their bodies in the same way. Karina hopes her content will encourage people to love themselves a little more.

Karina Irby showed off her natural body to encourage women to love themselves
She isn't afraid to show off her cellulite

In an Instagram post, Karina stated: "Human girl things. Don't demonise and cast shame on normal bodily things. You're normal and perfect just the way you are!"

Since sharing the post, it has received over 5,000 likes, with her followers being quick to comment. They expressed their desire to have a tummy like hers, and commended her for discussing body image so openly.

One person gushed: "Thank you for saying this. Sometimes I catch myself saying mean things to my stretch marks and remember you know what I'm human I'm doing great I look great."

Another chimed in with: "I wish more content like this was on social media! We need more body positivity! You're sexy! I need to have this mindset!"

A third shared: "Love seeing you! Natural girly that's what a lot of us look like, and it's nice seeing it online instead of the overly processed blurred out versions."

Meanwhile, a fourth expressed gratitude, adding: "Always SO SO thankful for you and your posts. When I catch myself judging myself I remember how far my body has gone and will go."

Karina Irby showed off her natural body to encourage women to love themselves
Karina also flashed her tummy to show that it's "normal" to bloat

The buzz around Karina's post is all about her recent decision to bare her "imperfections" on social media, challenging the obsession with looking "picture perfect" 24/7. In a raw video, she highlighted that cellulite, bloated bellies, tummy rolls and "giggling thighs" are common, and rather than label them as "flaws", she celebrates them as signs of being alive and kicking.

She's also been vocal about embracing her legs, despite feeling insecure about them. The social media star has no desire to hide them away.

Writing at the time, Karina said: "A carousel of my insecurities. My legs - People staring at my legs in public will never get easy and unnoticed. Tummy - As much as I appreciate it, I still find myself judging it the most. My face - My biggest insecurity. I'd love perfect glass skin.

"Anxiety - I don't mind talking about it but dealing with it makes me feel my worst. Being a business owner - I have imposter syndrome everyday. Even though I look confident, I can show you lies.

"I hope by me sharing what my biggest insecurities are helps you feel less alone in yours."

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