We've finally made it to summer after a long wet start to the year.

But where is the sun, you ask? Well, it seems like a common question amongst Brits as it seems that that weather really cannot make its mind up.

One minute you're putting the heating on and the next you're rolling out the BBQ – it's no easy feat for those desperate for some sunshine.

READ MORE: UK heatwave could plummet to freezing temperature in days as weather maps reveal drastic changes

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And it's not only a pain for our plans and energy bills, but for our overall health too.

There's a polar front sweeping across the country
The UK could plummet into freezing temperatures...

As the UK prepares to enter a 'cold snap' where some areas could enter 'freezing' temperatures, only to be possibly followed by a heatwave 'surpassing 30C or higher', our poor bodies could really take a beating.

Speaking to Daily Star, health expert at Financial Education Dr Lawrence Cunningham, warned: "In my experience, drastic fluctuations in weather can significantly impact our physical health.

"For instance, sudden temperature changes can stress the body's ability to regulate its internal temperature. This stress, in turn, can exacerbate chronic conditions such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.

"I have seen cases in patients with pre-existing conditions, which to me suggests a direct correlation between such environmental changes and individual health vulnerabilities.

"The human body is designed to operate within a certain range of temperatures and conditions. When the weather changes drastically, the body must work harder to maintain its core temperature.

"This additional strain can compromise the immune system, making people more prone to illnesses."

As the extreme fluctuation of weather continues, this can make our immune systems struggle as our core body temperature has to continuously adapt.

woman in field
But a heatwave could be on the cards shortly after...

And with the immune system under extra strain, a whole array of nasty infections could target your body.

So if you ever think that the weather is dampening your plans, just wait until you find out what it does to your physical health.

Dr Cunningham explained: "I've observed that the range of illnesses that can manifest due to erratic weather conditions is quite broad.

"However, respiratory infections like the common cold, the flu, and pneumonia are the most common. These infections often spike when a sudden temperature drops, as the immune system’s response time to pathogens slows down.

"Also, abrupt weather changes can trigger asthma attacks and exacerbate conditions like arthritis due to changes in atmospheric pressure."

woman blowing nose
The weather change could result in colds

So what can you do to prevent your summer being plagued by colds galore?

Well, Dr. Lawrence says it's all to do with preparedness. In order to manage your health appropriately with extreme weather changes, the doctor urges that you layer up each day.

From there you can adapt your clothing throughout the day - so if you're wondering whether you need a light jacket or a brolly then the answer is most likely yes.

He shared: "Preventing illness amid fluctuating weather conditions involves a proactive approach to health management.

"I always recommend dressing in layers, allowing easy adaptation to changing temperatures throughout the day.

"This simple practice can significantly reduce the risk of catching colds or experiencing hypothermia during unexpected cold snaps."