In a bitter feud over bird poo, two next-door neighbours became embroiled in a rivalry that ended with their shared tree being dramatically sliced down the middle.

But while the incident occurred two years ago, locals claim the issue still divides people on the street - with those who sliced it still said to be trimming it.

Bharat Mistry and his family adored the tree, which stood tall on their land in Sheffield for 25 years. But after the ongoing mess continued to aggravate Graham and Irene Lee, a couple in their 70s, everything changed.

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Complaining of pooing birds that frequented the trees, the couple decided to take drastic measures.

The birds were pooing everywhere
Graham and Irene Lee got sick of the bird poo (stock)

In a huge shot aimed directly at their neighbours, they called in a tree surgeon to slice it exactly in half, removing the part that hung over their front garden and drive where faecal matter from the birds would pile up.

One local resident, Pauline Kagtowski, has witnessed the drama unfold over the years.

Speaking to The Sun, the pensioner said: "It still causes friction in the neighbourhood and between the two households.

"We’re not meant to take sides, but secretly we do, because both families have lived here for years, and we don't want to offend either."

This is what the tree used to look like
This is what the tree used to look like before it was severed in half

Ms Kagtowski claims that while the neighbours attempt to be civil, deep down they still hold a lot of resentment towards each other.

She added that while the feud may be ongoing, both parties in the dramatic tree debate keep their gardens looking pristine, and she still stops to admire the bizarre-looking conifer even after all this time.

And although several years have passed, a valiant Mrs Lee said she doesn't regret what she did and that it hasn't affected her relationships with her other neighbours, who she gets on with.

The tree looks very interesting
The tree after being sliced

"We have no regrets about cutting it in half and can't believe this is still news," she said.

Meanwhile, Mrs Mistry is still heartbroken by the partial destruction of her much-loved tree but was adamant there are no longer any hard feelings between her and her bird-poo-hating neighbours.

"There’s no friction with next door at this present time," she said. "There are more important things in life.”

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